April 26, 2024

Maximize The Impact of Your Content

Content Marketing – Maximum Impact

Maximize Your Content Marketing Potential

Content Marketing - Maximize Impac

These are my four steps for creating maximum impact for your message:


​1. Creation

My blog is the heart of my content. I construct up ideas there. It is a place I can send people to so that they can benefit and then share. My posts are the foundation for all my other content. My blog is central to my content marketing strategy.


2. ​Syndication

Look for ways to publish your blog content in a variety of other formats and channels. You can change popular posts into podcasts, videos, or magazine articles. Be true to your core message and ideas. Change the format and extend your reach. Develop a distribution strategy that makes sense for you and your business.


3. Repurpose

Your best blog content can be reused, expanded and combined. Consider books, webinars, courses, and even membership content. Always refine, enhance, and expand. This can be a path to monetization.


4. Participation

Delightful content creates community. People want to share and talk about what they have read, heard, or seen. Moreover, they want to engage with the content creator – that can be cool! Use social media to engage communities that can benefit from your content. Don’t be that “sale person” who is always promoting something – look for ways to add genuine value. You need to have an engagement strategy.


If you spend the time to create delightful content (step #1) then spend time on steps 2-4 to create more impact for your content. Engagement with others is rewarding and fun!

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Twitter Tips for More Followers

Twitter Tips

Twitter Tips Twitter is a valuable social media platform and provides me with a good and steady flow of insights and advice. Besides the value of the information Twitter provides it represents opportunities for companies and business professionals to grow their audiences and increase traffic to their center of content.


How do you increase your Twitter audience is one of the key questions many people who want to use Twitter often ask. Here are some Twitter Tips and ideas.

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Content Marketing – Optimize Everything!

Content Marketing

Content Optimization

By now it should go without saying that you need to optimize all your Web content. However, don’t make the mistake of optimizing your site merely for the search engines. Look at optimization from multiple perspectives.

While optimizing for the search engines (SEO) is an important factor of optimization, if you aren’t taking into account the actual users, your efforts could be wasted. As you optimize your content, make sure it is also user-friendly.

Content Marketing - Content Optimization




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Content Marketing – Provide Value

Content Marketing

Always Provide Value

Passion and a skill for words are only two components of outstanding content. You could be the best copywriter on the planet but gain very few followers if your content doesn’t provide one thing to your audience: value. Your content must provide value!

Readers are drawn to content that benefits them. Luckily, there are many ways to provide value—it’s just a matter of identifying the benefits your audience wants, and then catering to those needs.

Content Marketing Value-Opportunity Diagram

Content Marketing - Always Add Value
For example . . .

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10 Must Know Image Optimization Tips

Image Optimization - 10 Tips10 Must Know Image Optimization Tips


If you have a website and want to achieve the best possible position in search and help your conversion rate with your human visitors then your need to optimize your images.


Image optimization is an important part of the success of your online business.

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Promoted Posts on facebook – Be Careful!

Facebook vs YouTube - Facebook Promoted Posts - Be CarefulPromoted Posts on facebook – Be Careful!


Be careful promoting posts (advertising) on facebook. To provide you with my insights on this let’s compare YouTube (a Google social media website which does is right) to facebook. YouTube is set up nicely for creators, viewers and advertisers. Moreover, on YouTube creators can be paid for every view of their content.


On facebook it’s the opposite – creators have to pay for views.

Let’s examine this.

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Is Facebook Bad for Business?

Is facebook bad for business?Is Facebook Bad for Business?


If you use facebook to marketing your business be careful. It may be a way to gain some exposure, however, you need to define your objectives and measure performance to these objectives to determine the business value of your facebook marketing.

Be careful, watchful and wary of how you market on facebook.

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Six Tips on How to Make Your Images Search Friendly

Six Tips on How to Make Your Images Search Friendly

If you are in a competitive online market then it makes sense to optimize your images for search performance. This will help your site or blog in search in general but may also provide traffic if your images are being searched for by people.

To maximize your search competitiveness use some or all of these tips.

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