October 22, 2024

Reduce Your Bounce Rate

Reducing Your Bounce Rate

It’s All About The ExperienceBounce Rate Reduction

Provide someone with an outstanding experience and they will only want more. When someone visits your website or blog they are there to have a rewarding experience. They will want to learn something, be entertained and have the experience easy and trouble-free.

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Twitter Exposure and Twitter Transportation

Twitter Transportation

Bring Tweeple to Your Center of Content

Twitter Transportation - Twitter Marketing

Twitter Transportation

Have you ever thought about how effective Twitter can be as a transport mechanism?

Twitter can be very effective as a short message, a headline, and to start the process to get someone to visit your center of content. A tweet is more like a headline. A tweet cannot be long. A Twitter message must catch the attention of a reader quickly. A tweet can act like a headline and introduce a thought or concept. It can be an introduction to something that contains more information and more value.

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Content Creation and Content Engagement

10 Reasons Why People Don’t Read Your Content

10 Reasons People Don't Read Your Content

There are many reasons why people do not read your blog posts. Take a look at this list and think about which reasons may apply to your blog posts. I could think of more than 10 but this list is a great start.

You may also get some ideas on how to improve your content by looking over this list. If you improve in some of these areas it can make a big difference to your audience – and it is all about your audience – create content designed specifically for them.

Think about the reasons why people may not be reading your blog content. Then take strategic steps to improve.

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Was Marco Polo an Explorer?

Marco Polo

An Explorer, A Merchant or A Writer?

Marco Polo - Writing and Sharing

Marco Polo Image Source

We all know Marco Polo and we remember him as a famous explorer. However, he was not really an explorer. He was a merchant from Venice. Why do we remember him as an explorer? We remember him today – 700 years later – because he did one thing that none of the other merchants of the day did – he wrote about his travels.


The fact that we even remember Marco Polo today is because he was a writer.

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Engaging Your Community

Engaging Your Niche

Your Ideal Community

Engaging Your Niche - Niche Focused Marketing - Your Key To SuccessLet’s say you live in a place but never develop any relationships that are in that place. You live in this community but never do anything within the community. You don’t join local clubs or volunteer or attend local events.

Do you really belong to that community? You live there but you are not engaged. As a result of your lack of engagement, your local community does not engage with you.

You live there but you are not part of there.

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Blogging Success Means Promotion

You Have Set Up Your Blog – Now What?

Blogging Promotion Leads to Blogging Success

Blog Promotion

Here are some ideas on where to gain exposure for your excellent blog posts. A blog post not found and therefore not read did not contribute to anyone. You want your blog posts to gain the attention of your ideal audience. You want your posts to add value. Therefore, to promote your blog posts after you publish them is fundamental to your blogging success.

OK – Where to promote . . .

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