Loving WordPress
Why Use WordPress
WordPress is a very popular website and blog creation tool. Above all, it is popular because it is powerful and easy to manage content.
Here are seven reasons why I love WordPress!
Open Source
It has a worldwide development community. This helps to make WordPress a very flexible and expandable content management system. The open source nature of WordPress helps to contrubution from all over the world.
Furthermore, it is used by universities and government organizations, big blogs with multiple authors and small blog with a single author. People can develop the WordPress platform from many different perspectives.
Historically when something is open source (as compared with proprietary) creativity flourishes and the user community benefits.
Special functions are sometimes needed and this is where WordPress is brillant! WordPress accomplishes special functions by using ‘plugins’. Plugins make WordPress very powerful and flexible.
WordPress includes all the elements needed to create a basic site or blog. However, some users desire or need some specialized functions. Examples of special functions may be a
- Shopping cart
- Photo gallery
- Email marketing
- Live support for visitors
Most noteworthy, these specialized tools or functions, known as plugins, can be put in place when needed. Sometimes a plugin is free to use and even if you need to purchase a plgin the fees are more than resonable.
You may have a need for a special specific function for your website or blog. It has probably been developed and is offered in the the WordPress plugin directory.
The WordPress plugin directory includes thousands of function-specific plugins.
Worldwide Creativity
Powered by professionals from all over the world. This enables a tremendous amount of creativity related to products, services, and solutions.
This worldwide creativity translates into a wide array of professional themes. To use a theme designed by a professional will make your website look superb.
This vast creativity resource also has resulted in extended specific functionality. These specific functions are offered via plugins (explained above) which is similar of an app on your phone.
The creative community is sensitive to providing this functionality for people who want to create content. They realize that most content creators are not interested with the nuts and bolts of what is being done behind the scenes. However, the WordPress platform is developer-friendly and this promotes this high level of creativity.
Very Search Engine Friendly
The developers designed WordPress to be search engine friendly. This was a top consideration at the very beginning. This is one of the reasons why it is so popular.
Developers worldwide realize that a pretty site and wonderful content that cannot be easily found is not very valuable to the content creator or to the intended audience.
You always need to do a super job with your creative content. Above all present it on a platform that is search engine friendly. This is essential.
Designed for Self-Management
The content management system is easy to use. You can easily create blog posts and pages, upload images, and use video content to deliver your message.
There is an intuitive and easy to manage admin dashboard. This dashboard provides access to all the features needed to customize your site’s heading and layout.
Most importantly, once the layout is set, you can then create all sorts of interesting, inspirational and valuable content for your ideal audience. This is what it is all about – creating meaningful content for your audience.
WordPress makes it easy to search engine optimize your content. WordPress and a little knowledge makes content creation setup and content search engine optimization very straight-forward.
Mobile Device Friendly
Mobile device responsiveness is a factor in the Google rankings and with the other major search engines too. A website needs to look good on any device. WordPress offers a variety of responsive theme designs. As a result, any developer who creates a theme intended to be used on a WordPress site will design it to be responsive.
This makes WordPress mobile-device friendly.
Built-In Blog – The Best in the Business
WordPress was born as a blogging platform. Nothing currently compares to the power, elegance, and advanced tools you have with the WordPress blogging engine.
If you are a serious blogger then you want to use WordPress.
That about sums it up. Certainly there are many good reasons to use WordPress as your website or blogging platform – many more than I listed here but these are the major reasons why I use and enjoy working with WordPress.