September 12, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

Twitter Marketing Effectiveness

How Does Twitter Fit into Your Marketing?

Twitter As A Marketing Awareness Tool

Twitter Marketing Awareness

If you are like many marketers, you are often confused about what part of your marketing is working and what part is not. You may even be confused about something that appears to be working but you cannot really measure by how much.

Join the club!

Here is some advice on how to better understand and therefore realize the value of Twitter as a marketing awareness tool. Part of your confusion may be because you are trying to measure every aspect of your marketing in the same way. By using the same performance metrics for every marketing tool you use may (and often does) lead to confusion.

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The Importance of Your Twitter Header Graphic

The Importance of Your Twitter Header GraphicYour Twitter header graphic can be a major factor in how someone views your Twitter account. It can also be a factor many consider when they are trying to decide whether to follow you or not. The header graphic is something that helps me to decide whether to follow or not.

It is a good move to create a Twitter header graphic that is captivating, a header graphic that is true to your brand and helps people to understand quickly what you are all about.

Here are some of my favorite Twitter header graphics and why I like them. Each of these header graphic examples has a very real human aspect to them. This is important on social media.

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Twitter Tips – Using Hashtags

Short and Longer Term Value of Hashtags

Hashtag Marketing on Twitter

Leveraging Hashtags on Twitter

A hashtag is a word or phrase that is written without any spaces and prefixed with a ‘#’ symbol. Like so: #example

The word Hashtag (#) has become so significant that it was added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2014. The actual hashtag definition says: “a word or phrase preceded by the hash sign (#) used on social media websites, especially Twitter, to identify messages on a specific topic”.

Hashtags can be a very powerful tool to promote your content on Twitter. Of course, they can be used to help you find things – which means they act like a search engine on Twitter. But this “search-like” function for hashtags is fundamental to helping you gain more exposure for your tweets as other people use hashtags to find your content.

Use Hashtags to Promote Your Content on Twitter

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How To Make 4-Image Tweets

How To Make a Tweet with 4 Images

How To Make a Tweet with 4 Images

A tweet can only be 140 characters. This is a wonderful thing. No verbose or long-winded announcements on Twitter! Because of the short nature of a tweet, a picture can really boost engagement and help your tweet to get noticed.

You can attach up to four images in any single tweet and for some tweets, this can make a great deal of sense. These 4 images will display as a preview collage in your followers’ timeline. Anyone viewing the tweet can expand it to see each photo individually.

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Twitter Series

A Twitter Series

How To Use A Twitter Series to Gain Exposure

The objective of a Twitter Series is to help your content gain exposure. If you create worthy content, then you have to do all you can to gain exposure for this content.

Twitter Series - Gain Exposure, Build Your Follower Base and Curry Favor with Collaborators

A Twitter Series is one way to help give your content an exposure boost. To create and run a series can also help you to see what others are doing on the same topic. The creation process also gives you an opportunity to promote the work of others and to establish and deepen relationships.

Let’s break down the steps to creating and implementing a Twitter Series.

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Twitter Hashtag Advice

Twitter Hashtag Advice

If You Do Any of This then Clean Up Your Act!

Twitter Hashtag Advice - Twitter Tips Dos and Don'ts

I see many a tweet that does not make much sense or that tries to do too much. Moreover, I see too many that are annoying. I wonder where the people that publish these annoying tweets get their advice. Here are some things to avoid and some best practice advice.

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