October 22, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Social Media Marketing’

Twitter Series

A Twitter Series

How To Use A Twitter Series to Gain Exposure

The objective of a Twitter Series is to help your content gain exposure. If you create worthy content, then you have to do all you can to gain exposure for this content.

Twitter Series - Gain Exposure, Build Your Follower Base and Curry Favor with Collaborators

A Twitter Series is one way to help give your content an exposure boost. To create and run a series can also help you to see what others are doing on the same topic. The creation process also gives you an opportunity to promote the work of others and to establish and deepen relationships.

Let’s break down the steps to creating and implementing a Twitter Series.

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Twitter Hashtag Advice

Twitter Hashtag Advice

If You Do Any of This then Clean Up Your Act!

Twitter Hashtag Advice - Twitter Tips Dos and Don'ts

I see many a tweet that does not make much sense or that tries to do too much. Moreover, I see too many that are annoying. I wonder where the people that publish these annoying tweets get their advice. Here are some things to avoid and some best practice advice.

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25 Best Practice Twitter Tips

25 Best Practice Tips for Using Twitter

Using Twitter for Business

Twitter is a great way to expand your reach and can be an effective tool to gaining more exposure for your content. It can also be used to find and make new relationships. After all, most Twitter feeds are set up and managed by people. Here are some tips to help you to build a bigger and more engaging Twitter feed.

25 Best Practice Twitter Tips

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Twitter Tips for More Followers

Twitter Tips

Twitter Tips Twitter is a valuable social media platform and provides me with a good and steady flow of insights and advice. Besides the value of the information Twitter provides it represents opportunities for companies and business professionals to grow their audiences and increase traffic to their center of content.


How do you increase your Twitter audience is one of the key questions many people who want to use Twitter often ask. Here are some Twitter Tips and ideas.

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Best Practice Retweeting (and why it matters)

The Art of the Retweet (and yet another reason why retweets matter)


Best Practice Retweeting


There’s a new agreement between Google and Twitter that will lead to tweets showing up in search results. Google has been able to access Twitter data for indexing tweets before, but their contract expired in mid 2011. Since then, there’s been no official agreement between the two parties.

Learn My 10 Best Tips To Have Your Tweet Retweeted

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Promoted Posts on facebook – Be Careful!

Facebook vs YouTube - Facebook Promoted Posts - Be CarefulPromoted Posts on facebook – Be Careful!


Be careful promoting posts (advertising) on facebook. To provide you with my insights on this let’s compare YouTube (a Google social media website which does is right) to facebook. YouTube is set up nicely for creators, viewers and advertisers. Moreover, on YouTube creators can be paid for every view of their content.


On facebook it’s the opposite – creators have to pay for views.

Let’s examine this.

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Market Norms versus Social Norms

Market Norms versus Social Norms

Dear Mom,


Thank you for having us over for dinner Sunday afternoon. The meal was fantastic and your storytelling about the days when nonnie (Italian for grandmother) cooked big Sunday meals when everyone came over was entertaining.


Enclosed is a check for $250 dollars as compensation for the wonderful afternoon.


Your loving son,


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Sharing and Content Marketing

Your Shareable Content

You spend time creating your content but do you help to make your content shareable? Delightful and shareable content is valuable to you and valuable to the people who are exposed to it – after all it is delightful! Your content needs to connect with your audience to be shared. When shared it spreads the word about you, your business and your content.

Content Marketing and Sharing

Whether a tweet, a blog post a video or a status update, everyone wants their content to engage with their audience. For organizations and professionals, that engagement has important and practical value.

Here are some points to consider to help you get your content shared.

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing – It Starts with a Plan

Social Media Marketing - It Starts with a Plan

Here is a blog post for everyone at the EVA (and others too!). It is on social media marketing and was presented at the EVA Lunch & Learn on March 25th. The Prezi (a presentation), at the bottom of this post, is the Prezi used at the EVA Lunch & Learn and here is a summary of what is in the Prezi.

Do some up front research . . .

  • Know your audience
  • Know what you want to be to your audience
  • Determine what your audience wants
  • Determine what your audience needs
  • Understand where they spend their time (facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest . . .)
  • Know what problems your audience is trying to solve
  • Define how you can (will) add value

Define your plan . . .

  • Define specific goals and objectives
  • Determine your measurement system
  • Define goals that push you but that are attainable
  • Make sure your goals are time bound

Your strategies must be connected with your business objectives and resources.

Social Media Marketing is a new marketing model.

This new model requires you to learn how to:

  • Interact
  • Share
  • Add Value (delight!)
  • Engage

It is important to build up a body of delightful and high-value content in your center of content (your website and blog).

You need to do the work to gain views, likes, shares and to start conversations.

There are 2 delightful (of course!) and insightful (yeah!) videos in this Prizi.


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7 Social Media Marketing Truths

Social-Media-Marketing-Truths-The-Plan - 00A7 Social Media Marketing Truths

There are certain fundamental truths to social media marketing and many falsehoods. This post will explain my social media marketing “truths”.

The blog post will help you to better understand social media marketing and get you to think about how to do it best for you and your business.

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