July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Content Marketing Ideas’

Blog Ideas for Your Content Marketing Plan

Blog Ideas for Your Content Marketing Plan

Good bloggers work from a plan. This plan defines content that the blogger feels will be of interest to their audience and provides value to readers. It make things easier and more effective to work from a plan. In the long run a plan makes your blog better and saves you time.

Blog Ideas and SEO

Here are 7 ideas that I recommend you consider for your blog content marketing plan. You will have better content which leads to improved SEO, higher authority and more and better business!

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Personalized Content Marketing

Make Your Content Stand Out

Connect on a Person-to-Person Level

The most powerful content makes a personal connection. Econsultancy found that 52% of digital marketers agree that “the ability to personalize content is fundamental to their online strategy.” While you don’t have to provide personal anecdotes or points of view for every post you publish, try to add a personal touch and create content specific to your target audience that engages in a personal way.

The Person Behind the Words

Readers like to know that there is a real person behind the words—don’t be afraid to draw back the curtain so people can see the content wizard—you.

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Best Practice Retweeting (and why it matters)

The Art of the Retweet (and yet another reason why retweets matter)


Best Practice Retweeting


There’s a new agreement between Google and Twitter that will lead to tweets showing up in search results. Google has been able to access Twitter data for indexing tweets before, but their contract expired in mid 2011. Since then, there’s been no official agreement between the two parties.

Learn My 10 Best Tips To Have Your Tweet Retweeted

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Organic Search – Shows Strong Growth

Organic Search - Strong GrowthOrganic Search – Shows Strong Growth

Being found in the organic search results without too much difficulty has always been good for business. A recent report by Search Engine Watch shows that search engine optimization was a very strong channel for growth in 2014.

The reason is two-fold.


1. When people search for something they want to find it and block out distractions.
2. Once these active seekers find what they want they convert at a higher rate than people bombarded by ads. Conversion is vital for online success.

The study covered more than 50 brands and 1.1 billion natural search visits in 2014.

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Essential Content Marketing Skills

Essential Content Marketing SkillsEssential Content Marketing Skills

Here are some ideas on how to develop your content marketing team. The skills presented here are essential skills. You need to have the proper skill set and this will help you to define the skills which can help you to identify the people.

If you are a marketer using content marketing and looking to move up in search position or need to find and engage clients then this post will give you ideas on what kind of skills are needed.

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Your Shareable Content

Content SharingYour Shareable Content


You may spend time creating delightful content but do you help to make your content shareable? Delightful content is valuable. However, if your content is shared by others it becomes even more valuable. When shared it helps to spread the word about you, your business and your value.


Whether a tweet, a blog post, a video or a status update, everyone wants their content to engage with their audience.

For organizations and pros, that engagement has very practical value.


Here are some points for you to consider to help you to get your content shared.

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7 Social Media Marketing Truths

Social-Media-Marketing-Truths-The-Plan - 00A7 Social Media Marketing Truths

There are certain fundamental truths to social media marketing and many falsehoods. This post will explain my social media marketing “truths”.

The blog post will help you to better understand social media marketing and get you to think about how to do it best for you and your business.

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5 Ways to Boost Your Social Lead Generation

Social Media Marketing

Social Media MarketingMany of us are caught up in the social media buzz and we are told by the social media marketing experts that we need to be at this party. However, what does it mean “to be there”. What do we do once we are there? How do we measure if what we do is working?

It is like being invited to a party and then not knowing any of the details. Should you bring something? What should you wear? When should you arrive? Can you bring a friend?

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SEO Strategy and Customer Needs

SEO Strategy and Customer NeedsThe Truth You Don’t Want To Hear

How Well Does Your SEO Strategy Mesh with Your Customer Needs?


If you can design your search engine optimization strategy to match the needs of your potential customers then you will really be powering up the performance of your website SEO.

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What Content Format Do People Like Best?

Content-Marketing-Best-FormatWhat Content Marketing Format Do People Like Best?

This Is a NOT a Trick Question


If you are a content marketer then you may often think about what content format will work best for your audience. Should you blog or create podcasts? You may not be any good at making videos but you think your audience will like them. You may be a specialist at white papers but your audience may not enjoy them as much as the same topic and information in a different format.


Here are some data and some insights for you.

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