July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Search Engine Optimization’

10 Must Know Image Optimization Tips

Image Optimization - 10 Tips10 Must Know Image Optimization Tips


If you have a website and want to achieve the best possible position in search and help your conversion rate with your human visitors then your need to optimize your images.


Image optimization is an important part of the success of your online business.

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A Reminder (like we needed one)

Search Position - The Importance of High Position

Undeniable Facts about a Top Position in Search


We all know how important it is to be found near the top of the search results when someone uses a keyword phrase that we would like to be found for. For many businesses this is a necessary aspect of being successful online.


In case we needed a reminder here is some data from a recent study performed by Advanced Web Ranking. This study was conducted in July of 2014.

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SEO Strategy and Customer Needs

SEO Strategy and Customer NeedsThe Truth You Don’t Want To Hear

How Well Does Your SEO Strategy Mesh with Your Customer Needs?


If you can design your search engine optimization strategy to match the needs of your potential customers then you will really be powering up the performance of your website SEO.

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SEO Mistakes

The Year Looking Back

The Top Ten SEO Mistakes I Have Observed


Since SEO can be quite complex and is always evolving it is easy for website owners and manager to make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are due to misconceptions. Sometimes they are perhaps due just to ignorance.


The good news is that they are often corrected easily enough.


Here are the top ten SEO mistakes I saw in 2014.

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Backlinks – Why They Are Important

BacklinksInternet Search Marketing – Backlinks

You may have heard the term and have an idea that they are important for gaining search position. However, what is a backlink and why are they important?

Let me start by explaining exactly what I mean by backlinks as many people confuse the term or don’t fully understand it.

Links form the relationships between pages on the Internet. They allow people to navigate from a given point on the Internet to other points on the Internet. Many people understand the value of links from this perspective. The problem is not making a distinction between a link and a backlink. If you want to enhance the marketing of your online content then you need to understand backlinks and their immense value.

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Online Marketing

Online Marketing - Be DifferentOnline Marketing – There Is a High Cost to Blending In

Do Things Differently (and better)

When it comes to marketing I see that many companies copy one another. Rather than trying to stand out they try to fit in. It is almost as if they are trying to blend in.

To be successful you need to understand your audience and then stand out from the crowd. There is a high cost to blending in.

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Link Building

Link Building - SEOLink Building

What’s Your Starting Point?

There are many link building tactics. However, link building must be strategic in nature. You must consider the nature of the website being promoted and its starting point. Here are three common starting points. Understanding your starting point (where you are now) will help you determine where you want to go and how to get there.

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Google Announces Panda 4.0

Google Panda 4.0Google Announces Panda 4.0

Content Marketing – Quality is Even More Important

In a move sure to create shivers of concern for people that have a high place in search Google’s Matt Cutts announced yesterday that it’s rolling out Panda 4.0. This is the latest upgrade to the content quality ranking system that Google uses. The reason for the concern is that anyone with less than adequate content quality will be moved down in search position.

See Matt Cutts Tweet

Google’s Panda algorithm is designed to prevent sites with poor quality content from working their way into Google’s top search results.

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