July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘SEO Tips’

Real Estate SEO

Real Estate SEOReal Estate SEO – Steady Wins the Race

Create A Comprehensive Real Estate Search Engine Optimization Plan


To be effective at gaining and maintaining position in a competitive real estate market you need a SEO plan that covers all the bases. Real Estate SEO needs to be a multi-dimensional approach.

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Six Tips on How to Make Your Images Search Friendly

Six Tips on How to Make Your Images Search Friendly

If you are in a competitive online market then it makes sense to optimize your images for search performance. This will help your site or blog in search in general but may also provide traffic if your images are being searched for by people.

To maximize your search competitiveness use some or all of these tips.

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Organic Search – Shows Strong Growth

Organic Search - Strong GrowthOrganic Search – Shows Strong Growth

Being found in the organic search results without too much difficulty has always been good for business. A recent report by Search Engine Watch shows that search engine optimization was a very strong channel for growth in 2014.

The reason is two-fold.


1. When people search for something they want to find it and block out distractions.
2. Once these active seekers find what they want they convert at a higher rate than people bombarded by ads. Conversion is vital for online success.

The study covered more than 50 brands and 1.1 billion natural search visits in 2014.

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Bold Marketing Predictions for 2015

Marketing-Predictions-2015-16 Marketing Predictions for 2015

These Are Safe Predictions Because They Really Are Obvious


2015 is going to be an interesting year for marketers. Based on what I’ve seen over the years and my decade-long+ experience with online marketing, I think there are going to be a lot of changes – which means opportunities!


When you are thinking about planning your online marketing for 2015 give some thought to these 6 online marketing predictions that are sure to be more significant factors in 2015 and beyond.

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A Reminder (like we needed one)

Search Position - The Importance of High Position

Undeniable Facts about a Top Position in Search


We all know how important it is to be found near the top of the search results when someone uses a keyword phrase that we would like to be found for. For many businesses this is a necessary aspect of being successful online.


In case we needed a reminder here is some data from a recent study performed by Advanced Web Ranking. This study was conducted in July of 2014.

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SEO Mistakes

The Year Looking Back

The Top Ten SEO Mistakes I Have Observed


Since SEO can be quite complex and is always evolving it is easy for website owners and manager to make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are due to misconceptions. Sometimes they are perhaps due just to ignorance.


The good news is that they are often corrected easily enough.


Here are the top ten SEO mistakes I saw in 2014.

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Build A Great Link Profile

Build A Powerful Link ProfileBuilding a Powerful Link Profile

Link Building Advice

Back linking has become more difficult since Matt Cutts’s famous blog post on the use of guest posting to produce backlinks. He states in no uncertain terms that this is no longer acceptable. Therefore, this way of gaining backlinks is no longer effective.

Of course, this is due to the amount of abuse that guest blogging attracted. Many SEO experts were touting this way to generate links into your site. The resultant link profile did not look natural. It was not hard to figure out when most of the links came from blogs and even more obvious when they came from the comment section of blogs.

Here is some link building advice . . .

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The Long Click

The Long Click

The-Long-Click-1Do People Like Your Content?


Here is an idea that goes hand-in-hand with content marketing, the idea of creating content that delights your audience and achieves high search results. You can improve your position is search by improving the onsite experience of your visitors. In search it is called the long click.

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