October 22, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Real Estate SEO’

3 Keys to SEO Success for Real Estate Professionals

SEO Success for Real Estate

For Real Estate Professionals

If you want both potential buyers and sellers to find you online, you need to concentrate on the SEO strategy, technology, and content that will boost your search engine optimization efforts.

SEO Success for Real Estate

Search engines are the single biggest source of traffic for most real estate websites. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, can be simply defined as the process of getting found on search engine sites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! On the technical level, SEO considers how the search engines work, what people search for, the actual terms typed into a search field, and which searches are preferred by your ideal audience.

Why Is SEO Important for Real Estate?

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Real Estate SEO

Real Estate SEOReal Estate SEO – Steady Wins the Race

Create A Comprehensive Real Estate Search Engine Optimization Plan


To be effective at gaining and maintaining position in a competitive real estate market you need a SEO plan that covers all the bases. Real Estate SEO needs to be a multi-dimensional approach.

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The Challenges of Real Estate SEO

The Challenges of Real Estate SEO

Real Estate SEO - A Real Challenge


The digital real estate competitive landscape is getting tougher and more sophisticated. There are big names such as Zillow, Trulia and Realtor.com that have vast resources and are committed to online dominance.

Without a well designed SEO strategy followed by consistent execution, it’s very difficult for a real estate company to maintain position in search let alone improve it.

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Real Estate SEO Advantage

Real Estate Structured Data Markup - Real Estate SEO AdvantageReal Estate SEO Advantage

Using Structured Data Markup

If you are a real estate company you know that your exposure in the search engines is vital to success. What can be better than search exposure? It makes everything easier. It is easier to have buyers contact you and easier for people thinking about listing to find you.

Moreover, when home owners can easily find your site it provides them with more confidence that you are the one to list their property. Home owners crave exposure for their home when it is on the market.

With Google changing to new search technologies that make the process of finding what seekers want more precise, it’s necessary to be aware of what can help you gain position in search.

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The Relocating Buyer

Content Marketing - Real Estate BloggingBlog Postings for the Relocating Buyer

Content Marketing for Real Estate

If you want to attract an audience then you have to write and relate to that audience. How much thought have you given the buyer that is relocating to your area? This is a specialized niche if you are a real estate agent.

This niche could be a valuable one as you know that they are an interested and perhaps very motivated buyer.

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Real Estate SEO – Blogging

Real Estate SEO - BloggingReal Estate SEO – Blogging

6 Great Reasons to Blog

1. Expert Content

A blog gives you a great chance to display your expertise on your topic. As a real estate agent people looking for a home in your community expect you to be an expert on the community. They expect you to be an expert on real estate and you may even have some additional and related expertise that you want o display as a way to differentiate yourself and your company.

A blog is one of the best ways to demonstrate your expertise. This is valuable for you and your business. 

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Real Estate SEO – Keyword Research

Real Estate SEOReal Estate SEO – Keyword Research

Keyword Research is the building block of any Real Estate SEO strategy. You do not want to define your SEO strategy blind and this is what you would be doing without adequate keyword research.

If you do not set up your website and linking SEO with a knowledge of the keywords that people actually use when they search then you will miss a great deal of valuable traffic. 

Upfront Keyword Research – Optimize your Real Estate SEO

First, realize that the target audience you want to attract night not use the same terms to describe things as you would – they may not be aware of industry terminology – hence they will not use industry language when they conduct a search.

Second, with the right keywords defined, you can optimize your website by using these keywords in your link building, your web copy and in your on-page real estate SEO. These 3 factors need to be optimized for your real estate website to achieve a higher search engine position.

How to Research Keywords

Good keywords have the following characteristics:

  • They are associated with sufficiently high search traffic
  • They relate well to your business
  • The competition level allows you to be competitive

To do this keyword research is a fun task and also often an eye-opener.

By conducting keyword research you will be learning more about your market and this is always good for business.

A way I often start is to write down some phrases that I feel are relevant and that I think have search volume. Once you have this list go to Google Adwords and use the Google keyword tool to confirm your ideas and to get more (and perhaps better) ideas.

Google Adwords Keyword Tool

The Google free keyword tool is a good place to start to associate some numbers to your keywords. Enter your core keywords and run the search…

When the search has run I like to observe the following:

Competition: The relative number of advertisers worldwide bidding on each keyword. It is purely quantitative. It says nothing about the “quality” of the competition nor does it have to if you will enter into the auction. Since the focus of this post is organic (non auction) search positioning we do care about the quality level of the competition.

Global Monthly Searches: The approximate 12-month average number of search terms matching each keyword. This statistic includes traffic in all countries and all languages.

Local Monthly Searches: The approximate 12-month average number of search terms matching each keyword. This statistic is specific to your targeted country and language.

If you have logged into your Google account you will also see approximate CPC (cost per click). In the adwords program this is a number averaged over all the ad positions. It does tell you about the monetary level that competitors are willing to pay for a click.

Now it is time to focus your research a bit more and move away from more generic terms. You can select three options for specific match types based on broad, exact and phrase.

Broad: This is the sum of the search volumes for the keyword idea, related grammatical forms, synonyms and related words. For example search results for commercial real estate would show up with any searches including commercial or real estate.

Phrase: This is the sum of the search volumes for all terms that include that whole phrase. Therefore if your targeted phrase was commercial real estate anyone who typed in commercial real estate with or without additional keywords would be counted.

Exact: This is the search volume for that specific keyword idea. It means these exact words in this exact order.

It is difficult to get high position for generic terms. These terms may also be of little value as more specific phrases indicate more passionate searchers who really know what they are looking for.

Narrow down your real estate SEO keyword list to 10-15 terms that make a great deal of commercial sense for your optimization project.

Look for additional posts on keyword research as this is a very important topic.

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