October 22, 2024

Building Website and Blog Traffic

Real Estate MarketingBuilding Website and Blog Traffic

Tips for Real Estate Agents

If you are a Realtor then here are some free and easy ways to increase the traffic to your website and/or blog.


Real Estate Marketing - Use an E-Mail Link



Add your website link or blog link to the bottom of your email signature so your website or blog is accessible to anyone that receives an email from you. It is best to make the link to your website an actual working hyperlink and not just text. You could even set up a nice graphic to further enhance this.

Real Estate Marketing - Use Your Office Voice Message


Invite phone callers to visit your website by telling them in your voicemail message. Example, “Thank you for calling. I will return your call promptly. In the mean time, if you would like information about buying or selling a house, please visit my website {www.yourdomainnamehere.com}”.

Real Estate Marketing - Tell People


Be sure to verbally tell people about your website and all of the terrific resources available on your site. Be proud of your site and convinced of its value. I meet plenty of people that do not seem proud of their websites. If you cannot feel proud about your website then you cannot be a good as you should be about promoting it.

If you have a series of interesting blog posts then let people know. Let people know that you are always adding interesting and useful content to your website. Tell your friends, family, past clients, neighbors, potential clients, and people you meet at networking events . . . about your website.

When describing your site let them know about the valuable tools that are there just for them. Here are some examples:

If your site provides access to all area properties and your friend’s mom is looking to move, be sure to let them know that she can search for properties on your site. If you have a CMA lead capture built into your site and this works for you to gain client leads then let people know.

Real Estate Marketing - Display Your Domain Everywhere


Include your website domain name on all of your print and digital marketing materials: business cards, print advertisements, for sale signs, postcards, direct mailers, business stationary, YouTube video intro graphics and exit graphics and anywhere else your have exposure.

Real Estate Marketing - Create Delightful Content


Design your site to easily offer an abundance of helpful and valuable information so it’s memorable and visitors will want to come back. It would be ideal if they bookmarked your site!

Real Estate Marketing - Design Your Website to Do More Work



If you often times field calls from clients requesting recommended service providers, consider adding a page on your site with your preferred vendor list. Any page you can add to your site that encourages people to visit your site, that also decreases the amount of work you do, is a helpful website page.

Here are some free and easy ways to drive, “Referral,” traffic to your site:

Real Estate Marketing - Link from Your Social Media Sites


Include your website domain name in all of your social network pages and your business profile pages. Leverage Facebook, Google Plus, Yelp, Yellow Pages, You Tube, Linked In, Twitter, Pinterest and any others. Anyone visiting your site by linking from these social network sites of business listings is a good visit.

Real Estate Marketing - Provide Useful News and Updates


In status updates in Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, include links to targeted website pages and text within the status update that highlights the benefit of those pages on your site. For example, if you have an equestrian property page built into your site, you could add a status update of, “If you live locally and are interested in horses, please check out this helpful page dedicated to people looking for equestrian properties,” then link to that page on your site.

Real Estate Marketing - Gain In-Coming Links


Ask business partners, such as a preferred mortgage lender or Real Estate Attorney to add your website link to their website.

Real Estate Marketing - Create a Noteworthy Bio Page


One Final Tip – The Noteworthy Bio Page

If you don’t already have one, create a page on your site that is dedicated to you, with your contact information, descriptive bio, and image. That way, your site will, “come up in the searches,” when your name + real estate agent is searched. When someone conducts a keyword search for you, they can find you and click right through to your website. To make a bio page for people on your staff will provide even more search benefit so include staff bio pages as well on your real estate website.