July 27, 2024

The Relocating Buyer

Content Marketing - Real Estate BloggingBlog Postings for the Relocating Buyer

Content Marketing for Real Estate

If you want to attract an audience then you have to write and relate to that audience. How much thought have you given the buyer that is relocating to your area? This is a specialized niche if you are a real estate agent.

This niche could be a valuable one as you know that they are an interested and perhaps very motivated buyer. I have relocated a number of times in my life and was very motivated to settle into a nice home in the new area. I also found that the real estate agent that was the expert on the community was extremely valuable to me. I needed this expertise and finding and working with the local expert without a doubt made many things easier.

If you are a real estate agent I want to ask you a few questions . . .

Are you a community expert?

Do you make a point to project this expertise to a valuable audience?

Can your expertise be found online via a search conducted using a search engine?

Let’s define a target niche. This niche is the buyer who is relocating to your area. This is where your real estate blog can really help. A buyer relocating to the area will want to learn about the area. Many of these buyers will first do some research online. They will most likely use a search engine. The real estate company with the most valuable and authoritative content about the community will be placed higher in search therefore this buyer will find your materials – just the materials that the buyer is searching for.

This is a great opportunity for you to connect with and engage this buyer.

One species of Ready-To-Act Buyer

is the newly or soon to be relocated buyer.

Think about what questions they have. Think about how to provide the answers. Build up a body of content that supports and provides answers to the soon-to-relocate buyer. To do this puts you in a favorable position with this motivated buyer.

People researching an area with the thought to live there have many questions. They use the Internet to find the answers. Even if this buyer is on a house-hunting trip this buyer has questions about:

  • Where to stay?
  • Where to eat?
  • What are the neighborhoods like?
  • Perhaps what are the schools like?
  • What activities are there to do?
  • What to avoid?

. . . and so on.

When I was relocating I viewed the local real estate agent as a community consultant as well as a transaction consultant. A well rounded real estate blog is a reflection of this range of expertise. When I was in the relocation mode I wanted to learn about the amenities of the community. I wanted to learn about the cool restaurants and the history of the community.

Add content to your blog that engages the person from far away. Add some color to your community. Without this it is like cooking without spices. Add a bit of spice to your community and demonstrate your community expertise.

Also, a person doing research from a distance will be very appreciative if you include lots of photos or even a video. Do what it takes to make your content engaging and people love photos and video.

Here are some tools to help you generate ideas on your real estate area:

Trip Advisor (www.tripadvisor.com)

This website lets you type in a location and you can get many interesting and valuable insights. This is a site with significant user-generated content.

Yahoo Answers (www.answers.yahoo.com)

This is a community-driven question and answer site that is considered a knowledge market. Double check the answers from this site if you need something to be highly factual.

Real Estate Blogging

If you want to consider starting real estate blogging as part of your content marketing plan then I invite you to download our Blog Initiation Questionnaire. It contains a set of questions that will help you to think out important aspects of competition beating content marketing using a blog.