July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘SEO Linking’

On-Page versus Off-Page SEO

On-Page versus Off-Page SEO

What’s The Difference?

On-Site versus Off-Site SEO

Google and the other major search engines use a large number of factors to determine both the relevance of a page and the value of a page. These factors can be divided into on-page and off-page SEO factors. The logic behind these factors becomes apparent with a little understanding about how a search engine may view your content.

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Content Marketing – Optimize Everything!

Content Marketing

Content Optimization

By now it should go without saying that you need to optimize all your Web content. However, don’t make the mistake of optimizing your site merely for the search engines. Look at optimization from multiple perspectives.

While optimizing for the search engines (SEO) is an important factor of optimization, if you aren’t taking into account the actual users, your efforts could be wasted. As you optimize your content, make sure it is also user-friendly.

Content Marketing - Content Optimization




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Link Building

Link Building - SEOLink Building

What’s Your Starting Point?

There are many link building tactics. However, link building must be strategic in nature. You must consider the nature of the website being promoted and its starting point. Here are three common starting points. Understanding your starting point (where you are now) will help you determine where you want to go and how to get there.

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SEO and Over-Optimization

SEO and Over-OptimizationSEO and Over-Optimization

There has been a great deal of discussion lately on the topic of over-optimization of a webpage. I have been looking into this diligently for a number of months and it is hard to get a definite handle on this. I have attended seminars, asked experts and read many articles.





Though often discussed in SEO circles as a concern, no one really seams to know exactly what is meant by over-optimization. 

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Link Velocity

SEO Link BuildingWhat is Link Velocity?

This is the speed at which you acquire links to your website. This is important as you always want to acquire links in what appears to be a natural way.

I have seen small websites that have acquired 200 links in a single day. I have even seen a small local business site gain 200 links on New Years Day. I have a hard time thinking about how a small local website could get 200 link in a single day and on New Years Day as well.

Another factor associated with the natural look of link velocity is that if a website has gained 20 links over a 6-month period and then over a 3-day period gains 100 links then this may raise a red flag at Google. The Link Velocity associated with the 3-day time frame does not look natural for that specific website. There may be many sites that gain 100 links over a 3-day time frame but this is not natural for this particular website based on their history of link acquisition.

Link Velocity can also look fishy when there is very little new content being produced. A website that creates fresh content and then also has a link velocity profile that meshes with the content creation profile has two component that mesh and that look natural. Th link acquisition and the fresh content coincide. This looks natural.

What looks natural is based on the specifics of the website. Items such as age of website, historical rate of link generation, content creation rate versus link velocity all mesh together.

Another factor could be the type of links that a website has historically acquired versus a new type of link. For example if for 2 years it can be seen that links have come from blogs and the total is 250 links (essentially all from blogs) and then for two months you gain 100 additional links but none of these links come from a blog then this may raise a flag.

Link Building has to be an essential part of your SEO Strategy and we can help devise a SEO and Link Building Strategy.

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