September 19, 2024

25 Best Practice Twitter Tips

25 Best Practice Tips for Using Twitter

Using Twitter for Business

Twitter is a great way to expand your reach and can be an effective tool to gaining more exposure for your content. It can also be used to find and make new relationships. After all, most Twitter feeds are set up and managed by people. Here are some tips to help you to build a bigger and more engaging Twitter feed.

25 Best Practice Twitter Tips

1. Tweet Structure

Structure your tweets like this to increase clicks: KEY MESSAGE – LINK #HASHTAG1 #HASHTAG2 ADDITIONAL THOUGHT

Also, use a URL shortener to make your tweets shorter.

2. Self Promotion

Don’t be entirely self-promotional on Twitter. Promote your delightful content and the delightful content of others. Some even use a 4-1-1 rule. Four part curation – 1 part your informational – 1 part your promotion. This means that 60% of what you tweet will be the promotion of someone else’s material.

3. Curation 1

Curate content from a wide variety of sources to make your Tweeter feed more interesting.

4. Curation 2

When you tweet something of others establish yourself as an industry thought leader by adding commentary to the links you tweet.

5. Your Personality

It is fine to interject your personality on Twitter. Tweet light-hearted/funny/interesting content along with your business content. If your light-hearted tweets also relate to your business theme then this is excellent.

6. Engage

Engage with others and show appreciation for their tweets by using the “heart” button which is a “like.”

7. Show Appreciation

Nobody HAS to share your content on Twitter. If someone retweets you, thank them.

8. Hashtags 1

Use hashtags (#) to join relevant conversations and to make your tweets easy to find.

9. Hashtags 2

Don’t #overuse #hashtags #in #your #tweets. I limit mine to 1-3 hashtags per tweet. It is rare when I use 3.

10. Hashtag 3 (Research)

Use the right hashtags for more and proper exposure. I use RiteTag to do hashtag research.

11. Be A Problem Solver

Don’t gripe on Twitter and don’t complain. Be a problem solver – be positive! Do you want to be known as a complainer or as a positive problem solver?

12. Images

Use images in your tweets. This makes them more interesting and more engaging. A great mix of visual as well as great visuals to accompany links to content can be the difference between a user scrolling past your content entirely, and clicking to engage further.

13. Measure Performance

Observe which of your tweets get more attention. Use this information to better structure future tweets. Always look for ways to improve.

14. Repetition and Perspective

It is fine to tweet the same thing multiple times but use a different perspective each time.

15. Tweet Schedule

Schedule tweets throughout the day not all at the same time.

16. Focus on Engagement

Tweeter works better when there is more engagement. Focus on engagement and not just on the number of followers.

17. Provide Advice

If you have a cool idea that relates strongly to Twitter itself then tweet about it. This helps to get followers.

18. Manners Count

Have good manners. If you would not say something to someone’s face then don’t say it to them on Twitter. Manners count when it comes to human interactions therefore use proper manners on Twitter.

19. A Debate is Fine – No Arguments

Don’t start arguments with people on Twitter. A friendly debate is fine, but respect others’ opinions.

20. Make Sharing Easy

If you blog then add social sharing buttons to your blog to make each post easy for readers to tweet and share in general.

21. To Link or Not

You don’t always have to include a link. I tweet images and quotes without providing a link and these sometimes get more attention than tweets with links.

22. Automation

Use automation in moderation. Create the best possible user experience for your followers. Customize your message to the audience you are publishing to.

Niche focus your efforts.

23. Be Helpful

Solve Problems. Help your followers solve their problems, open the door to conversations and provide helpful resources to build credibility. Again, if you niche focus you will have an easier time of understanding problems and contributing to a solution.

24. Landing Page

Create a cool page on your website or blog just for people who come from Twitter. Again, this is customizing the experience. You do not always have to send people to your home page (in fact you shouldn’t).

25. Goals

Set goals for your business on Twitter and measure your performance relative to these goals. This will help you to better define opportunities and successes.

Content Marketing TutorialsTwitter is a nice place to gain more exposure for your content. However, you need to have the content. If you want to learn more about Content Marketing then I invite you to take our free online content marketing tutorial.