October 22, 2024

Content Creation and Content Engagement

10 Reasons Why People Don’t Read Your Content

10 Reasons People Don't Read Your Content

There are many reasons why people do not read your blog posts. Take a look at this list and think about which reasons may apply to your blog posts. I could think of more than 10 but this list is a great start.

You may also get some ideas on how to improve your content by looking over this list. If you improve in some of these areas it can make a big difference to your audience – and it is all about your audience – create content designed specifically for them.

Think about the reasons why people may not be reading your blog content. Then take strategic steps to improve.

1. You Don’t Know Your Audience

Have you identified your ideal audience? You really need to know it well. What problems do they have? What content do they need to satisfy their desires? Have you considered what format they like the best . . . 2nd best? How do they search for content?

2. You Are not Creating Content for Your Ideal Audience

You can’t create compelling content without an in-depth knowledge of your audience. Once you know your ideal audience well then impress them with your delightful content which they know you created just for them. Make them feel special. Give them content of value.

Knowing your audience will help you create better content, guide you on topic selection and support your exposure and engagement efforts.

Also, do not underestimate the time-to-consume/value relationship. Your content value is also related to the time it takes to consume it. If it takes too long to gain value then the value is diminished. At some point for each reader, the value may reach zero.

3. You Don’t Optimize Your Content for Search

It is a big mistake to create delightful content that your audience will enjoy and value only to do a poor job with search engine optimization (SEO). If people cannot find your content – even if they are searching for it – then it will not be read.

Imagine someone searching specifically for the solution you provide. You have written blog posts with excellent information about your solution but people searching for just what you have written never find your posts. This is an opportunity lost for both the searcher and for you. No one wins.

Learn the basics of search engine optimization or get some specific coaching or hire someone to help you with content SEO.

4. You Don’t Know How Your Audience Searches for Content

If they use a search engine then what keyword phrases do they use? If they want to find video content on YouTube would they use the same keyword phrase as they would use for searching on Google or use different phrases entirely?

People use Twitter to find content. In this case, it will not be a keyword phrase but rather a hashtag. Do you know which hashtags to use and how to apply them?

To know your audience means to know how they prefer to find the content they are seeking. You need to know where to present your content (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube . . .) and how to optimize it to be found on each platform.

This requires a deeper understanding of your audience persona.

5. You Focus TOO Much on Your Products, Services, and Promotions

People don’t always want to read about you.

Of course, you should make people aware of your content and the value you add. It’s just that to always be in the promotional mode can work against you.  Don’t always be promoting your product or service. Give something away for free – something valuable. Also, consider promoting something of value that was created by someone else. This is a nice way to start collaborating with someone.

Make your content about the reader – not you.

10 Reasons People Don't Read Your Content

If you do make multiple announcements about the same promotion then mix it up a bit. Use different wording or a different graphic. Keep things interesting.

6. You Don’t Publish New Content On a Regular Basis

There was a company that I started following on Twitter a few months back. I was enjoying their content and liked a few of their tweets. Then, without notice, they stopped. What happened? I was confused. It has now been 3 months since their last tweet and their blog has gone silent as well.

To be inconsistent or erratic is not good for your audience.

I will now be hesitant about sharing their content even if they start up again. To share is a bit of an endorsement. I do not want to endorse a content creator that is inconsistent or unreliable.

Readers want consistency. Without it, they’ll never become attached to your brand’s content.

I know you have multiple priorities. It can be difficult. However, this makes it even more important to be organized and to have a schedule and stick to it.

7. You Aren’t Creating Enough Value

Isn’t it all about value. You may think “I’m providing this for free it does not have to be great.” You may think that to get something (anything) published to your blog as all that matters. Well, think again. You are asking people to spend their time with your content. Time is a precious thing.

Offer content of significant value. Why should someone waste their precious time consuming your mediocre content?

Answer: They shouldn’t.

8. You don’t Include Enough Images In Your Posts

  • A tweet without a nice graphic can be overlooked.
  • A post without pleasing graphics seems less interesting.
  • A Facebook or LinkedIn post without a cool graphic can be disregarded.

We’re visual creatures.

Include images throughout your posts. This creates natural breaks in the content. Readers will be more engaged and keep reading. Without some compelling graphics, many readers will lose interest and leave.

Also, when you post on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn be sure to use a delightful photo or graphic.

9. You Aren’t Formatting Your Posts for Reading on the Web

People like to scan. Big blocks of text turn many people off.

The online world has its own style of writing. If you don’t adhere to online guidelines, people may leave your page without ever reading a word.

  • Instead of a paragraph of text could you make 3 bullets.
  • Always use sub headings which will make it easier for the reader and help your SEO.
  • Add some nice breaks for the reader with interesting graphics that help deliver your message.

10. Your Content Doesn’t Add a New Perspective

If you don’t have anything to add to the conversation, don’t say anything at all. There’s no reason to regurgitate the same thing hundreds of others have already said.

Position your content from a fresh perspective for best results.

Bonus Tip

Once you have a better handle on why people may not be reading your content and have made some adjustment you can then take the next step. The next step is to get people to share your content with their audience. People only shared when they like and find value in the content and respect and trust the author. Improve the quality of your content and establish your position as a trusted resource.

This sets the stage to have people not only read your content but even more significantly to have them share it with others.