July 27, 2024

Content Marketing – Provide Value

Content Marketing

Always Provide Value

Passion and a skill for words are only two components of outstanding content. You could be the best copywriter on the planet but gain very few followers if your content doesn’t provide one thing to your audience: value. Your content must provide value!

Readers are drawn to content that benefits them. Luckily, there are many ways to provide value—it’s just a matter of identifying the benefits your audience wants, and then catering to those needs.

Content Marketing Value-Opportunity Diagram

Content Marketing - Always Add Value
For example . . .


If you manage a home improvement business provide helpful how-tos and DIY guidelines for your readers. When a potential customer needs to find advice on a topic they will view your content as a resource. They then may purchase the materials to do the project from you.

If you run a B&B then create content with things to do and see in the area. Be an expert on the area and project this expertise into your marketplace. When someone needs a place to stay in the area they will be more likely to stay at your B&B.

If you are in real estate then provide useful content about the area from the perspective of a buyer and attract them to your business. When they want a tour of a property they will think of you.


The idea is to delight your customer demographics in a way that resonates with them and offers tangible value. Do this over and above your business’ specific products or services, and you’ll win loyal readers.

When you sit down to plan your content, consider your audience and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who am I writing to/for?
  • What problems or questions do my customers have?
  • Is there information or resources at my disposal that would interest or benefit my readers?
  • What content is currently trending in my niche? Do I have anything to add to the conversation?

By answering these questions, you can begin to delve deeper into topics that are relevant and useful for your target audience.