October 22, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Content Marketing’

Content Marketing – Visual Assets

Content Marketing

Your Visual Assets – Boost Your Business Online

Content Marketing - Visual Assets


I often make a point about creating meaningful and interesting content (even entertaining content) to help in your content marketing efforts. I want to emphasize the importance of taking stock of your visual inventory capabilities when it comes to creating delightful content.

Many of the items listed in this article can be created with very little effort. But I will also point out that developing skill in certain visual areas or having access to a visual content creator will be a big help in boosting your ability to create content that will help boost your business online.

Why is visual content so important to online marketing?

A good visual piece can:

  • Make things more interesting.
  • Give people a break from reading text.
  • Help people to understand.
  • Provide more incentive to for people to provide links back to your content piece. This last point is a valuable factor in gaining position in search.

Here are some visual assets that we all can consider.

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Content Marketing & Social Media

Content Marketing & Social MediaPrediction is very difficult, especially about the future. ~ Niels Bohr

Content Marketing & Social Media

With so many social networking sites out there, and what seems like a newcomer appearing every other week, you could say that business owners and marketers have more tools than ever at their disposal for spreading awareness about their products and brands. This, unfortunately, can be a double-edged sword.

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Going It Alone

Online MarketingOnline Marketing

You Can’t Do It All by Yourself

I spend a great deal of time in the online marketing space and it can be a bit overwhelming as more and more ways to market online are developed and some become more powerful while other wan in value.

Also, I want to make it clear that online marketing is not just about SEO. Knowing search is imperative to online marketing but it not as big a driver as it was 5 to 7 years ago. Now social media plays a significant role and also simply to have the traffic is not worth as much if the user experience is poor and your conversion rate is low.

In fact I may be so bold as to point out that if you do not have a good conversion rate online then you do not have a business online.

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Content Marketing Tips

Content Marketing Tips

It’s all about sharing . . .

Use your Voice! It is important to engage and to share your particular knowledge and expertise. This is a central component of Content Marketing.

Content Marketing Tips

Big conversations and meaningful engagement often starts with small steps. You need to create and leave your perspectives in places where others can discover them. Discovery means to have your ideas shared by others. If someone likes what you offer so much that they pass it on to the benefit of others that they know then things start to happen.

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Keys to Delightful Content

Keys to Delightful Content

8 Content Marketing Tips for Your Content

8 Content Marketing TipsContent Marketing is about creating content that is useful and valuable to your target audience. Part of the process to create this valuable content is to ask ourselves what content is actually helpful.

When I discuss this topic with my clients I think some may be too critical of their own work while others may not be critical enough. Here is a list of items that can help you in your effort to delight your audience with content.

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A Nice Hike – A Nice Blog Post

Content Marketing, Blogging and HikingA Nice Hike Can Be Like A Nice Blog Post

Content Marketing

This past weekend I decided to go on a short hike but I still wanted to reach a worthy destination. This can also be the hallmark of a great blog post or cool content marketing piece. You can take the reader on a short journey and still bring them to something special . . . something that has a good payoff.

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Content Marketing

Content-Marketing-and-Sharing-1Content Marketing

A Glossary of Terms

Here is a nice and straight-forward content marketing idea that will also help you boost your position in search and provide valuable information and support to clients and potential clients. 

The idea is to provide a page (or pages) on your site that includes definitions on what you do.

To do this can be a great addition to your content marketing strategy and content marketing content.

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Interview with Heidi White

Heidi White - Blogging and Content MarketingBlogging and Content Marketing

An Interview with Heidi White

Blogging has become a mainstream marketing activity and many consider it a necessity for online communication and engagement. It can also be used to develop and enhance a business’s brand and therefore is a very important tool.

This interview is with Heidi White. She is a communications specialist and copywriter. Heidi also helps businesses set up and promote their brand and message by offering a blogging tutorial to help people to get started with blogging. Here are some key questions and answers related to business blogging.

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Content Marketing by Heidi White

Content Marketing Post by Heidi White

Here is a nice post from Heidi White. She writes about content marketing and the concept of content marketing planning.

She covers:

  • The Content Marketing Target Market
  • Content Planning for Special Times or Events
  • Content Depth and Visual Appeal
  • How to Evaluate

In this last item, she brings up Google Analytics as a way to measure how effective (or not) your content marketing is and that it is always necessary to reevaluate and to look for ways to improve. 

This is a solid post by Heidi and it captures the essentials of modern content marketing.

Also, if you want to learn more about content marketing then I invite you to take our tutorial series on content marketing. Here is a link to the Content Marketing Tutorial Introduction.

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