October 22, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Content Marketing’

Essential SEO Tactics

Essential SEO Tactics - SEO and Content MarketingSEO Tactics for Success

Every small business with an online presence has to deal with the issue of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Most, in my experience, need a bit of help understanding how good their competition is and what to do to gain position versus their competitors. There are seemingly endless articles on the subject. This can create a feeling of being overwhelmed. For many, the task of being found in search for keywords valuable to your business seems daunting and endless.

In truth, SEO is not rocket science. While it can be a complicated formula, there are very clear and effective ways to enhance your position in search. There are essential SEO tactics that are key to your success. They also provide the perfect foundation from which to build your SEO strategy and boost you above your competition.

Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed.

Educated yourself!

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Online Marketing

Online Marketing - Be DifferentOnline Marketing – There Is a High Cost to Blending In

Do Things Differently (and better)

When it comes to marketing I see that many companies copy one another. Rather than trying to stand out they try to fit in. It is almost as if they are trying to blend in.

To be successful you need to understand your audience and then stand out from the crowd. There is a high cost to blending in.

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Content Marketing or Advertising

Advertising vs Content MarketingContent Marketing or Advertising

I teach classes on Content Marketing and I notice that people sometimes have a problem distinguishing between advertising and content marketing. I often explain that advertising and content marketing can work together. That advertising helps to make people aware and then if they want to dig in deeper then advertising can hand off to content marketing. Here is an examination of both advertising and content marketing.

Both have their place.

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Link Building

Link Building - SEOLink Building

What’s Your Starting Point?

There are many link building tactics. However, link building must be strategic in nature. You must consider the nature of the website being promoted and its starting point. Here are three common starting points. Understanding your starting point (where you are now) will help you determine where you want to go and how to get there.

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Increase Blog Leverage

Blog Leverage - Make It Easy

Increase Blog Leverage

Increase Your Readership

When it comes to reaching a wider readership for a content marketing website, many marketers focus on external efforts like ads, guest posting, and syndication. While promoting your content elsewhere is important, here are five ways to help your audience which will also help you to grow your audience without ever leaving home. Here are some on-page strategies for getting more clicks, reads, and downloads on your blog.

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Google Announces Panda 4.0

Google Panda 4.0Google Announces Panda 4.0

Content Marketing – Quality is Even More Important

In a move sure to create shivers of concern for people that have a high place in search Google’s Matt Cutts announced yesterday that it’s rolling out Panda 4.0. This is the latest upgrade to the content quality ranking system that Google uses. The reason for the concern is that anyone with less than adequate content quality will be moved down in search position.

See Matt Cutts Tweet

Google’s Panda algorithm is designed to prevent sites with poor quality content from working their way into Google’s top search results.

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Top Ten Blogging Ideas

My Top Ten Blog Post IdeasMy Top Ten Blogging Ideas

These All Work and Work Well

A blog is one of the best tools available for promoting your business and services online. Here are my top ten ideas for blog posts that could be applied to any business.

Keep this list handy and look it over the next time you’re stuck on what to write about.

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Technical SEO Audit of Your Website

Technical SEO AuditTechnical SEO Audit of Your Website

Best Practice SEO

You need to make sure that you have covered the basics when you consider your search engine optimization approach. There is a great deal to the content marketing and SEO puzzle and you need to ensure that you have the essentials covered before moving to more complex issues.

It may be time for you to conduct an SEO Audit of your website.

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Setting Content Marketing Objectives

Content Marketing Objectives

Content Marketing Objectives

Understand, Plan, Implement, Measure & Adjust

Before a business decides what content to create and optimize it is important to take a step back and ask an essential marketing question, “What are we trying to do? or . . . What are we trying to accomplish? The answer is often obvious “We’re trying to get more people to buy what we are selling!”

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