October 11, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Heidi White’

Words, Words, Words.

Content Marketing - Using WordsWords, Words, Words

Your Best Content Marketing Tool


What is a Shakespeare play made of?


Hamlet gives us the answer – When Polonius asks Hamlet what he is reading Hamlet answers “Words, words, words.”. A Shakespeare play is made of words. Much of our content will also be made of words. We may lace in a graphic or a photo or even a video but much of what we create will be content composed of words.


Words work! Words work well! Words have worked well for centuries. Can we be inspired by Shakespeare to elevate our wording when we create our content?

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Business Blogging – Interview with Heidi White

Business Blogging - Heidi White - Freelance Copywriting ServicesThe Value of Business Blogging

Heidi White is a freelance copywriter that also teaches programs on Blogging for Business. Here is an interview I conducted with Heidi that I think you will find valuable. 

Also if you need support with your blogging or anything else related to freelance copywriting services then I invite you to visit the website of Heidi White to connect with her directly by clicking on the link above.

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Interview with Heidi White

Heidi White - Blogging and Content MarketingBlogging and Content Marketing

An Interview with Heidi White

Blogging has become a mainstream marketing activity and many consider it a necessity for online communication and engagement. It can also be used to develop and enhance a business’s brand and therefore is a very important tool.

This interview is with Heidi White. She is a communications specialist and copywriter. Heidi also helps businesses set up and promote their brand and message by offering a blogging tutorial to help people to get started with blogging. Here are some key questions and answers related to business blogging.

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Content Marketing by Heidi White

Content Marketing Post by Heidi White

Here is a nice post from Heidi White. She writes about content marketing and the concept of content marketing planning.

She covers:

  • The Content Marketing Target Market
  • Content Planning for Special Times or Events
  • Content Depth and Visual Appeal
  • How to Evaluate

In this last item, she brings up Google Analytics as a way to measure how effective (or not) your content marketing is and that it is always necessary to reevaluate and to look for ways to improve. 

This is a solid post by Heidi and it captures the essentials of modern content marketing.

Also, if you want to learn more about content marketing then I invite you to take our tutorial series on content marketing. Here is a link to the Content Marketing Tutorial Introduction.

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