July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Google Is a Referral Resource

Google Is a Referral Resource

Word-of-Google Referrals – Google and SEO

Google and SEOThink of it this way: What if I recommended a particular product or service to you. You acted on my recommendation and purchased the product or service. However, you were not satisfied. The value of the service you received was low in comparison to the price you paid or the product did not work well. Would you trust me for future product recommendations? Probably not – why should you.

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Can A Small Business Survive Panda and Penguin?

SEO - Google PandaCan A Small Business Survive Panda and Penguin?

To me the big factor with Panda was a major attempt by Google to define authoritative content.

Penguin was clearly a major attempt by Google to refine it algorithm as it relates to in-coming links to a website.

Can a small business properly deal with this heavy scrutiny?

Let me discuss Panda. The entire issue is related to the quality of your on-site materials. If you have “thin” content or duplicate content then you may be affected negatively by Panda. It is natural for Google to want to present the most authoritative content to its searching audience. If your content is thin and of little value or depth then you run the risk of being penalized. If your content is not original and Google can detect the original source then your page (or site) can be negatively impacted. If you have duplicate (but non-original) content then your page is clearly not the authority.

The lesson is to create (and to continue to create) high-quality web content that delights your website visitors. Google wants to present websites that delight. If you are a small business then you have the ability to delight and you should make every effort to do so.

In my next few posts I will explain more of what Google is doing with the Penguin and how to not get penalized.

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