October 11, 2024

Engaging Your Community

Engaging Your Niche

Your Ideal Community

Engaging Your Niche - Niche Focused Marketing - Your Key To SuccessLet’s say you live in a place but never develop any relationships that are in that place. You live in this community but never do anything within the community. You don’t join local clubs or volunteer or attend local events.

Do you really belong to that community? You live there but you are not engaged. As a result of your lack of engagement, your local community does not engage with you.

You live there but you are not part of there.

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Blogging Success Means Promotion

You Have Set Up Your Blog – Now What?

Blogging Promotion Leads to Blogging Success

Blog Promotion

Here are some ideas on where to gain exposure for your excellent blog posts. A blog post not found and therefore not read did not contribute to anyone. You want your blog posts to gain the attention of your ideal audience. You want your posts to add value. Therefore, to promote your blog posts after you publish them is fundamental to your blogging success.

OK – Where to promote . . .

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Content Marketing and Sharing

Google Is No Longer Judge, Jury and Executioner!

Content Marketing and Sharing

The Internet in 1969

The first message was sent over the ARPANET from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock’s laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was at 10:30 PM on October 29, 1969.

We have come a long long way since then! One of the key changes is the ability to share.

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Website Success Formula – for Real!

Website and Blog Success

Where to Focus Your Attention

Website Success FormulaThere are so many things that you can focus on to achieve a more successful website. However, people often get overwhelmed with the multitude to activities and things to do.

The best way to achieve success is to focus. A concentrated approach enables you to get things done – to achieve success. This post will give you some advice on where to focus and it starts with the mathematical website formula for success. Every website owner needs to know this formula and how to apply it.

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14 Checklists, Scorecards, and Worksheets to Set Up Content Marketing Success

Content Marketing ChecklistsChecklists help you to be organized and to streamline your process. Here are some checklist worksheets from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI).

Checklists are great when you have many moving parts or want to tackle a new project.

CMI shares 14 of its most popular scorecards and worksheets to help you better plan your content marketing efforts. You can customize them too.

Source: 14 Checklists, Scorecards, and Worksheets to Set Up Content Marketing Success

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The Power of Niche Marketing

The Power of Niche Marketing

Niche Marketing – for Your Consideration

Successful marketing experts know that it can be more effective to narrow your focus and try to dominate a segment of a market. If you have something to offer this segment and if the segment is not too small (a niche of one for example would be too small) then this approach makes good business sense.

Niche Marketing - Focused Marketing

Moreover, the niche of today can become the mainstream product or service of tomorrow – it has happened.

Consider these niche concepts . . .

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