April 29, 2024

Keep People on Your Site

Keeping People On Your SiteHow Well Does Your Website Keep People On It?


Keep People on Your Site


So you’ve worked hard to get to a high position in Google for a number of important keyword phrases. However, you note that people who reach your site using these keywords leave quickly or bounce away.

You are not engaging your visitors that reach your site when they reach your site with your best keyword phrases. What a waste!


What can you do?

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Essential Content Marketing Skills

Essential Content Marketing SkillsEssential Content Marketing Skills

Here are some ideas on how to develop your content marketing team. The skills presented here are essential skills. You need to have the proper skill set and this will help you to define the skills which can help you to identify the people.

If you are a marketer using content marketing and looking to move up in search position or need to find and engage clients then this post will give you ideas on what kind of skills are needed.

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Your Shareable Content

Content SharingYour Shareable Content


You may spend time creating delightful content but do you help to make your content shareable? Delightful content is valuable. However, if your content is shared by others it becomes even more valuable. When shared it helps to spread the word about you, your business and your value.


Whether a tweet, a blog post, a video or a status update, everyone wants their content to engage with their audience.

For organizations and pros, that engagement has very practical value.


Here are some points for you to consider to help you to get your content shared.

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Do Your Job

New England Patriots - Do Your Job -  Business LessonDo Your Job!

It’s The Patriots’ Way


On February 1st Pete Carroll did his job for the Patriots. He did his job 15 years later than planned but he finally delivered a Lombardi Trophy to the Patriots. All is well and good in New England.


One of the statements that the New England Patriots use is “Do Your Job”. Football can be a great deal like business. We all have to do our jobs. However, to simply state “Do your Job” is not enough information. What does it mean to “do your job”.


We can all learn from the New England Patriots when it comes to this statement. Let’s examine this simple statement in more detail.

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Market Research Reveals . . .

Market Research Understanding Your Market

Create Delightful Targeted Content

We often provide products and services and write content for our markets. We think we know our target markets well and in many cases we do. However, I have often found that to dig in and study with great interest can provide some surprises. It behooves us to spend some time conducting research and learning more so that we design our products and services, our content and our approach to reach, engage and best satisfy our audience.


Here is a blog post that illustrates the nuances of a market (The Thanksgiving Recipe Market). This post shows how a market can be quite diversified. We can do research that enables us to better understand the market and the market segmentations. It is often by gaining an understanding of the market segments that we know what to offer and how to offer it.


We need to do up-front research to define our audience and then fine tune our message and offering.

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Auto Dealership Promotion

Auto Dealership - Service AbsorptionPromote Your Auto Dealership Service Business

Apply These 5 Ideas – They Are Not Hard


The Goal: 100% Service Absorption


The holy grail of dealership profitability, 100+% Service Absorption, has been an elusive target for most dealerships. In today’s business climate, dealerships need profitable service departments. It isn’t a nice bonus anymore – it is a necessity for survival.

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