April 29, 2024

Search Positioning in 2016

Search Positioning in 2016

Ten Things You Must Do

10 Must Do Items to Improve Search Position in 2016

Here are 10 very important search engine positioning factors that you must ensure are done properly for 2016. Search algorithms are always being improved and now the emphasis is significantly on showing search results based on a pleasing and helpful user experience.

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Blogging as an Authority

Blogging as an Authority

Work to Create Movement for your Content


The assumption of this blog post is that you, the reader, are an authority in your niche. To be a successful blogger you do need to have enough background knowledge and expertise that you can create interesting, valuable and delightful content – again, with a focus on your niche.




If you cannot create valuable content then don’t even get into the race. You will only have a chance with poor content if there is a void of content within the niche-focus area. But even if there is a void of content in your niche you cannot present yourself as an authority with poor content. Therefore, great content is a given. The real point I am making is that if there is an abundance of high-quality content in your niche then it is difficult to get exposure and the real task is then to create movement for your content.

You produce great content now you are ready for the race.

What do you do? The race is to gain exposure for your content.

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Five Ways to Improve Your Position in Search

Five SEO Solutions

Don’t Be Grim – Solve The Problem

Google and the other major search engines want to provide the best user (searcher) experience they can achieve. They depend on us (website owners) to create a valuable and excellent user experience. If we don’t the search engines respond by presenting our site lower down in the search results. This may be grim but you can solve the problem. Don’t let your website be escorted to the website graveyard by the Grim SEO Reaper.

5 SEO Solutions - The SEO Grim Reaper



Here’s what you can do.

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Maximize The Impact of Your Content

Content Marketing – Maximum Impact

Maximize Your Content Marketing Potential

Content Marketing - Maximize Impac

These are my four steps for creating maximum impact for your message:


​1. Creation

My blog is the heart of my content. I construct up ideas there. It is a place I can send people to so that they can benefit and then share. My posts are the foundation for all my other content. My blog is central to my content marketing strategy.


2. ​Syndication

Look for ways to publish your blog content in a variety of other formats and channels. You can change popular posts into podcasts, videos, or magazine articles. Be true to your core message and ideas. Change the format and extend your reach. Develop a distribution strategy that makes sense for you and your business.


3. Repurpose

Your best blog content can be reused, expanded and combined. Consider books, webinars, courses, and even membership content. Always refine, enhance, and expand. This can be a path to monetization.


4. Participation

Delightful content creates community. People want to share and talk about what they have read, heard, or seen. Moreover, they want to engage with the content creator – that can be cool! Use social media to engage communities that can benefit from your content. Don’t be that “sale person” who is always promoting something – look for ways to add genuine value. You need to have an engagement strategy.


If you spend the time to create delightful content (step #1) then spend time on steps 2-4 to create more impact for your content. Engagement with others is rewarding and fun!

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Blog Topic Tags and SEO

Blog Topic Tags and SEO

How to Effectively Use Blog Topic Tags

The short answer is to not to use too many blog topic tags for any given blog post and to have them focused on the blog post topic. The full answer allows you to really boost up the SEO value of your posts and to help engage your readers and to keep them on your site longer.


Blog Topic Tags and SEO - Effective Use of Blogging Tags


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Responsive Website Design

Reasons for a Responsive Website Design

It’s All About The User Experience

Responsive Web Design is very important for today’s website visitor. A website has to provide a good user experience or it’s game over. Why would you want a website that frustrates certain visitors to your website?

Responsive Website Design - Enhance The User Experience

Smartphone and tablet use is now more popular than desktops computers to visit websites and therefore it is essential to have a mobile-friendly website to support the user experience.

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Project Success and Communication

Team CommunicationProject Success and Communication


What determines the success of any project is significantly related to communication.


Good or great individual contributions to a project can add up to very little if there is not proper coordination and integration (which again relates to communication).


Seriously -it’s all about communication.


Let’s explore this.

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