September 19, 2024

5 Reasons Why No One Is Watching Your Videos

5 Reasons Why No-one is Watching Your Video Content

Tips to Improve Your Video Exposure

To produce a video can really help your online marketing.

Why is no one is watching my video?

  • It can help you acquire links resulting in higher search position.
  • A video can help increase traffic. More traffic helps drive business.
  • Video content gives you something to promote on social media. You need content worth promoting and people like videos.
  • Video content on your site increases depth and variety. To increase depth and variety above what your competition does will give you a search engine positional boost.
  • Video can increase engagement. People often become more engaged in a video than a page of text.
  • People now actively look for video content and given a choice between text and video they prefer video content.

So you made a video or a set of videos. Now you are confused. Why is no one watching?!

Here are 5 possible reasons why fewer people than you hoped for are watching your video content.

1. People Can’t Find Your Video Content

Video content, just like any other content, needs to be optimized so that users can find it. It may seem totally obvious to you that the video you have created is exactly what the world needed and desired. However, if the world cannot find your wonderful video then they have no chance to enjoy it; watch it multiple times; and share it with others.

Video SEO - Optimize everything in order to be found.

Video Optimization Action:

Take the time to do the keyword research and find out what people are actually searching for related to your video content. Then optimize your video’s title, description, tags and the text that is associated with your video content to help the search engines find it and to help the search engines to properly index your video content.

2. People Can Find Your Video Content but Have No Idea What the Video is About

Maybe you are lucky and your video appears in the search results on Google, YouTube, Vimeo or another site. However, your title and description are so vague, and your thumbnail so dull that potential viewers still won’t take the time to watch it.

Video Optimization Action:

Be critical of the words you are using to describe the video. Would people – not as familiar as you are with the video – feel compelled to watch based on what you have given them as a reason to watch? Is it clear what the video is about? Is the video thumbnail a compelling one? Don’t just settle for the default image. If you make a custom video thumbnail, then make it both relevant and compelling. Make your video description and video image thumbnail accurate.

Why is no one watching my videos

Beyond being accurate, optimize the video description and the title to encourage viewers to watch. If you are appearing in the search results now, but your click through rate is low, then you run the risk of falling to a lower spot in the rankings. Search engines view a low click through rate as a reason to drop your video lower in the search results. Higher click through rate translate into a higher position in search.

Google is no one’s fool. If Google determines your content isn’t relevant, after observing the click-through-rate, then Google will replace your video with content that it deems is more relevant.

3. It Screams Sales Pitch and for Your Benefit Not the Viewers’

Of course the point of video marketing and advertising is to promote something. However, viewers are more and more aware of, and cynical about, content that is created to benefit the seller rather than the viewer.

Why is no one watching my video

Video Optimization Action:

Make your video content educational and entertaining. If you can both educate and entertain then you are providing value to the viewer. Make the sale pitch subtle or consider not pitching at all. A video that is educational, entertaining and creates engagement is good for business.

4. You Haven’t Promoted the Video on Social Media

Today, the most effective marketing approaches are campaigns and video marketing does not and cannot work in isolation. There are very few businesses that haven’t got at least some kind of social media presence going into 2017. However, a large percentage of businesses never really use their social media accounts as fully or as creatively as they could.

Why is no one watching my videos?

Video Optimization Action:

It is very important to promote your video content. Social media can be used to get the word out. It is also perfect for allowing others to share your video content in their own feeds. If you have uploaded the video to your own site, then enable social sharing buttons on the video page. If you have uploaded it to YouTube, Vimeo or elsewhere, encourage viewers to share.

Other share/exposure opportunities . . .

  • Post the video to Facebook
  • Post a link to your video landing page in your e-mail signature and on your other social media marketing platforms
  • Tweet a link to the video
  • Create a Tweeter Series to help promote it.
  • Post it on Pinterest
  • Set it up on Google Plus
  • Post it on your blog
  • Publish it on LinkedIn
  • Send out an announcement by e-mail

Video Marketing - Video Sharing

Every time you create and upload a video, let your audience know it exists by publishing it via social media and encouraging them to watch, comment, like and share.

5. Nobody is Linking to the Video or Embedding it on Their Site

If your video doesn’t appeal to people, they are not going to watch it. Note that the opposite of good is not bad it’s off (people will just turn it off). Moreover, they will never link to it, share it, or embed it on their own site or blog.

The most successful video marketing campaigns really should include linking and sharing goals. When you get links you get more views and when you get more shares you get more exposure.

Video Optimization Action:

First, make sure your video is good. Make it the proper length and make it interesting. I once was asked to view a video of a kitchen showroom. The video was too long and very boring. It was simply someone walking with a video camera through the showroom. There were no interesting angles or viewpoints. There were no special insights. There was nothing unique. There were no people. I watched it because I was asked to watch it but it did not engage me. Again, the idea is to make something cool, interesting, entertaining and insightful. Tell a story that will help create engagement.

Next, make sure you allow for easy sharing for your video. Sharing can take the form of linking to it, embedding it and sharing your video on social media. Make it easy for others to use your content by enabling social sharing and embed links.

Coupled with this is to make sure your video is not too long. Study the engagement time. If you have a 5-minute video and everyone is bailing out at 1.5 minutes, then make your videos faster paced and shorter.

Bonus Tip – A Must Do!

I have seen countless examples of good video content that hasn’t had the impact that it should. Much of the time it is simply because it did not achieve enough exposure. If your website does have significant traffic, and you are on a social media platform where your audience hangs out but you are not actually promoting your videos then stop everything and make that a must-do. Link to the video where you can, especially if you have a blog, and have the people you collaborate with to do the same.

Experiment with creating exposure using social media. Have some fun and don’t stress out. Marketing is about experimenting and measurements. Do something different and creative to help gain exposure and then measure the results and make adjustment.

Video marketing or advertising isn’t easy – you need the money, the creativity, the resources and the time to turn your ideas into the type of content that viewers will respond to. Leave nothing to chance in your efforts to promote your content so you maximize the reach and type of audience you want to reach.

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