September 12, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Video SEO’

5 Reasons Why No One Is Watching Your Videos

5 Reasons Why No-one is Watching Your Video Content

Tips to Improve Your Video Exposure

To produce a video can really help your online marketing.

Why is no one is watching my video?

  • It can help you acquire links resulting in higher search position.
  • A video can help increase traffic. More traffic helps drive business.
  • Video content gives you something to promote on social media. You need content worth promoting and people like videos.
  • Video content on your site increases depth and variety. To increase depth and variety above what your competition does will give you a search engine positional boost.
  • Video can increase engagement. People often become more engaged in a video than a page of text.
  • People now actively look for video content and given a choice between text and video they prefer video content.

So you made a video or a set of videos. Now you are confused. Why is no one watching?!

Here are 5 possible reasons why fewer people than you hoped for are watching your video content.

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Video SEO

Video SEOVideo SEO

If you create a video then you also need to think about how to maximize its effectiveness in the search results and search results can (and should) include YouTube.

You have three main options and each option provides content marketing benefits to the marketer. Each option should be considered and using multiple approaches may be the most beneficial.

1. Host the video on your own website

2. Host the video on YouTube

3. Host the video on YouTube and embed it on your website

Remember that the search landscape is very diverse. For Google to do a good job it has to have different search algorithms. In the case of video there is the basic Google Universal Search, Google Video Search and the search engine built within YouTube. Each offers searchers different ways of searching and will produce different results.

This makes the job of a search engine marketer more challenging.

Here is some advice for optimizing video content for Google and for search in general.

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