July 27, 2024

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015

Marketing – Things to Consider In 2015

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015

Content creation, search optimization and social media will be less siloed as specific areas of focus and treated more like skills that need to be integrated for your organization to be successful. As you think about your content plan for 2015 think about how to integrate your approach and work on the five aspects of your online marketing highlighted below.

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015 - Content Marketing Tip 1

Increase your expertise in your subject matter to outpace the competition that does not do so and to keep pace with the best. Content is KING when it comes to internet marketing so focus on creating delightful high-quality content. Content is provide little value if it is not available to the audience. Share your expertise and quality content to be successful in 2015.

To be successful in 2015 consider the following:

  1. Use your blogging to increase your personal expertise. To write a high-quality blog post you need to conduct research, think about how you will present the topic and then write and refine. This process makes you better.
  2. Get good at sharing. Consider teaching a program to increase your exposure to your audience. Invite people to things. Send your blog posts to people you think may benefit from receiving your content.

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015 - Content Marketing Tip 2

The “sales pitch” will continue its slide toward the bottom where ultimately it will be ignored. Those that “pitch” will be ignored. A little bit of selling here and there is great (but make it educational), but those marketers who do nothing but sell, sell, sell, will be ignored, dismissed and overlooked by consumers and prospects.

2015 will be a time to show how much you care. That means dedicating more resources to things that are harder to track, like answering customer questions and providing more valuable content online.

To be successful in 2015 consider the following:

  1. Tone down the sales pitch approach and increase your ability and willingness to educate your audience. Get good a hand-holding.
  2. Increase the content at your center of content (your website and blog) to support the education of your audience.

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015 - Content Marketing Tip 3

Successful organizations will have strategies to use digital marketing technology to organize an end-to-end customer journey through digital storytelling tactics.

To be successful in 2015 consider the following:

  1. Develop good stories for your main marketing messages.
  2. Create multiple delivery channels.

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015 - Content Marketing Tip 4

Notch up your digital skills by improve your blogging skills, photography or video skills. Learn to use these technologies to improve engagement by improving your storytelling skills.

To be successful in 2015 consider the following:

  1. Learn something new. Take a photography course, a class at your local SCORE chapter, or attend a digital marketing conference.
  2. Develop greater skills in-house or determine external digital marketing experts you want to use to enhance your marketing prowess.

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015 - Content Marketing Tip 5

2015 will be a good year of BEING HUMAN for digital marketers. The corporate-speak messaging is not engaging (perhaps even boring) and does not engage the audience.

In 2015, we will see more marketers incorporate human-speak into their messaging – be human in your videos, pictures, humor, and you need to get good at being human!

To be successful in 2015 consider the following:

  1. Before you publish anything check it for “being human”. Is your message filled with your jargon? If so then rewrite or re-script. Are the images the standard corporate imagery that could show up on a multitude of sites? If so then redo them to be more personal, engaging and exceptional.
  2. Craft interesting, engaging and value-added stories. Telling a story is something that humans have done since we learned to speak (as a species) and as humans we all enjoy a good story. Use stories to delight your audience.

Content Marketing Ideas for 2015 – You may also want to review our set of Content Marketing Tutorials to help you generate even more ideas for your Content Marketing in 2015.