October 22, 2024

Hiking Camel's Hump

Reasons to Live in Vermont

Real Estate Blogging – Pitch Your Experiences and Share Your Knowledge

Real Estate Blogging about the area - Why is your area so cool?This past weekend I decided, on the spur of the moment, to go hiking. I decided to drive to what many consider to be one of the best hiking mountains in all of Vermont – Camel’s Hump.

The summit of Camel’s Hump is on Vermont’s Long Trail. The members of The Green Mountain Club are the good stewards of Vermont’s Long Trail. The Long Trial is the oldest long-distance hiking trail in America. The Long Trail is a 270 mile trail that spans the high peaks through Vermont from the Massachusetts state line to the Canadian border.

The Long Trail is a great aspect of Vermont and to have the greatness of nature and spectacular mountains all around us is a great reason to live or own a home in Vermont. As a real estate agent you need to present Vermont and our wonderful environment and landscape to your potential clients. As a real estate blogger you need to tout how fantastic it is to experience Vermont.

My plan was to use the Burrow’s Trail on the west side of Camel’s Hump. This is a trail of moderate difficulty, has an elevation gain of 1,900 feet and is only 5 miles – round trip. I decided to take my two little pups with me.

As I mentioned the idea was a bit spur-of-the-moment so we did not get to the trail head until 4:30 in the afternoon. By that point in time, the sky had cleared up completely and the temperature was also lower so I knew we could make good time. I also had to make good time given the late start.

The trail is very pleasant and well marked and cared for. The trails starts off meandering through a forest of hardwoods which smelled wonderful and earthy. The ambient sounds were the sounds of brooks and birds. This spur-of-the-moment thinking which can quickly lead to being surrounded by nature is what makes Vermont so special. As a real estate agent you can (and should) blog about this.

About halfway through the hike, the trees started changing from deciduous to evergreen pine and the smell changed as well to a clean and fresh pine scent.

Close to the summit, the trail opened up to long range views across Lake Champlain to the Northern Adirondacks and the setting sun. The rocky summit has some small and delightful alpine gardens and one needs to be careful to watch your step to not damage any of the flowers and grasses and I had to keep my hiking companions in check. It was a great hike and one done at the spur of the moment. A plus for living in Vermont!

If you are a real estate agent then you need to let people know how great your area is and how many cool ways there are to experience your area. Real estate blogging is the perfect way to express your ideas on what is so nice about living in the area and why it only makes complete sense to own a home in the area. You will be able to attract more buyers and engage them more if you have an attitude of sharing your experiences and your knowledge of your area using your real estate blog. Blogging is good for a real estate business.

If you want to gain greater insight into how blogging can help your real estate business then I invite you to download our Real Estate Blogging Guide.