October 22, 2024

Avoid Procrastination

Blogging Procrastination

. . . and how to avoid procrastination! 

Avoid Procrastination Blogging

If you know that you can add value by blogging on your topic of expertise but never seem to get around to it then this blog post may help. There are plenty of people that can leverage their expertise by blogging but set up barriers (sometimes mostly mental) that prevent them from blogging and projecting their expertise into their marketplace.

You need to avoid procrastination when it comes to your blogging.

First of all, you have to know that you know your topic. You can add value. You need to add value as you know that people like to engage with experts and blogging is a clear way to demonstrate your expertise.Avoid Procrastination

Next, I want to emphasize the importance of learning. To write a blog post you may have to learn a bit more about it and think a bit more about it. This learning – by you – is valuable to you. The 2nd part of the importance of learning is that people want to learn from you. Today, people fully realize that to learn is essential to making good decisions. Blogging is a way for you to learn and a way for your readers to learn from you.

Here is some advice on how to avoid procrastination with your blogging.

Avoid Procrastination – Set Blogging Goals

Like anything that you want to achieve you have to set goals. Goals need to be specific, measureable, realistic and aggressive and also time bound.

Set goals for your blogging and the results of your blogging. The goals and results should be connected to your business goals.

Avoid Procrastination – Schedule Time to Blog

Just like you schedule appointments you can (and should) schedule time to blog. Be consistent with your schedule and know that adding value by blogging is an important activity. It deserves to be scheduled as your blogging is an activity connected to your business goals.

Avoid Procrastination – Define and Establish Resources

You may need resources to blog the way you want to blog. Do you need a graphic program or a good camera to create the type of blog posts that you want to create? Do you need to work with a copywriter to enhance and elevate your blog? Do you need to have the support of other people in your company to have a high-quality blog? You need to define the resources you need and put these resources in place – this is good management.

Avoid Procrastination – Establish the Blogging Process for You

What will be your blogging process? You need to think about this and have your process specifically defined. I have found that a big reason people procrastinate on anything is often that they are uncertain of the process. They are uncertain about how to start or uncertain about what they want to achieve (their goals).

Establish a blogging process that you feel comfortable with and this will help you to overcome blogging procrastination.

Avoid Procrastination – Plan for Distractions

Know that distractions come along all the time. How can you minimize them? Do you stop answering the phone when you are writing your blog post? Do you agree with yourself that you will not read e-mail for the time you have set aside to write your blog post?

Set some rules that enable you to minimize or even eliminate distractions.

Avoid Procrastination – Fight off Road Blocks and Barriers

If you want to achieve anything then you have to be able to fight off and break down barriers. Imagine how things would be if for everything you have already achieved your gave up at the first barrier. Anything worth doing will surely have some roadblocks or barriers. You cannot give up in fact some of you who read this may have given up before you have even started.

Realize that from time to time there will be a roadblock or a barrier that will get in the way of your blogging and learn to break them down and eliminate them.

To learn more about content marketing and blogging I invite you to study our series of content marketing tutorials. A blog can be an integral part of a content marketing plan and we hope that you will be further inspired by reading these tutorials.

Also, here is an article I found that also may be helpful to you about how to avoid procrastination. In fact this article is also about blogging.

Here is a very concise 12-step approach to avoid procrastination from WikiHow.