September 19, 2024

On Page Search Engine Optimization

On Page Search Engine OptimizationOn Page Search Engine Optimization

The Most Common SEO Service

(but only the tip of the iceberg)

On-page SEO is probably the most common SEO service. Also, as noted in a prior post the on-page SEO and the detailed work which is associated with this aspect of SEO is the most common perception of what SEO is as a service. While it is an important part of the overall SEO picture and set-up for your website it will not produce significant business building results if this is all that you do.

On-page SEO covers the following items:

  • Meta Page Titles
  • Meta Description (of the page)
  • Keywords
  • Page Title – The H1 Tag
  • Page Sub-Titles – the H2 and H3 Tags
  • Image File Names
  • Image Alt Text
  • Page-to-Page Linking
  • Keyword Density, Keyword Placement and Keyword Context
  • Bold, Underlined and Italic Text
  • Overall page copy quality and topic

This aspect of SEO is, for the most part, not difficult to learn and if your website content management system (your CMS) is set up to provide you with easy access to these items and the flexibility to modify them then you can learn this aspect of SEO easily enough. With a bit of research and some practice and a system you can apply the on-page SEO items to your website content.

You should also realize that to do good work in this area does take time but it will be time well spent to help you reach a higher position in search than your competitors.

Now, let’s consider a pitfall . . .

Now, let’s consider a pitfall to doing only this with your SEO. Since this is not a difficult aspect of SEO there is more than a fair chance that your competitors know how to do this or have someone doing it for them. The competitors that I refer to now are your better competitors – the ones that are now in the position in search that you want to be. They are probably already covering the basics and will not give up position without a fight. They may also be fierce SEO fighters.

Moreover, what if all of your competitors (including you) have search engine friendly websites? If this is the case, then perhaps no one can gain a clear advantage relative to on-page SEO. If this is the case, then those applying additional SEO techniques you will gain a competitive advantage in search and will help you to lead the field in the ranking results.

And if you want to rank for competitive keywords, simply doing a good job with your on-page SEO will never be enough. You need to do more than the on-page SEO basics to gain strong search position for competitive keyword phrases.

Another way to out-perform the competition is to out-perform then with more delightful content. If you have a content advantage over your competitors and this content is also search engine optimized then you can gain position over your competitors that do not create new and interesting (delightful) content.

On Page Search Engine Optimization – Summary

The advice here is to learn more about the various aspects of SEO. Also, create content that is interesting and useful to your website visitors. The major search engines are always on the hunt to new interesting high-value content. Optimize this content for search and you will gain an advantage over many of your competitors.