September 13, 2024

Generating Blogging Ideas

Generating Blogging Ideas

Three Concepts That Add Up to Infinity

Generating Blogging IdeasIf you seem to struggle about what to write about in your blog consider places to go, things to do and people to interview.

The intersection of these three items is infinite. Write the post so that it relates to your industry and so that it is targeted to your audience.

Let’s look at some examples.

Places to go . . .

Let’s pretend that you own a B&B in a charming Vermont community. Make a list of all the nice places that someone could go to if they stayed at your B&B. You would be accomplishing four important things by doing this.

1. You would have to know about the place and know enough about it so that you can write about it in a compelling way. This increases your education about the places in your area.

2. To place this content on your website and/or blog creates a depth of content about the area at your center of content (your website or blog) and the search engines love depth of content.

3. Your website and blog visitors will love exploring the depth of places to go in the area and will be more likely to decide t visit the area as a result. Only if they visit the area will they be in a position to stay in your B&B.

4. If you continue to update your website and/or blog in the category of places to go your website and blog become an area resource that will generate repeat visits from potential customers.

Things to do . . .

Things to do and places to go are closely related so let’s continue with our assessment using the lens of the B&B owner.

When people visit an area they will always want to know what are the interesting and rewarding things to do in the area. With a blog you can be very creative.

You could have blog posts on:

  • Things to do by the month or time of the year
  • Things to do outdoors
  • Things to do indoors
  • Cross Country Ski Stories
  • Downhill Ski Stories
  • Area Dining Guide
  • Your Top Ten Things to Do
  • Five Scenic Drives
  • Do special reports on key activities
  • Things to do on a Romantic Weekend
  • Five Great Walks (of hikes)
  • Being Pampered
  • Things to do for Free

People to interview . . .

Interviews can be fun. They are also educational and they are not difficult to do.

First you need to make a list of key people to interview that your audience would love to learn more about. Let continue with our B&B example.

If your area has some interesting places to shop then you can interview the shop owner. How about an interview from the owners or the areas nice restaurants? I think the list will be long once you start thinking about it. You could also interview your guests so that future guests could benefit from their experiences. I am sure that if the guest of your B&B was happy with their trip then they would be able to provide a fine interview.

You can take the burden off of everyone by conducting the interview using e-mail. Send the questions by e-mail and receive the answers back by e-mail.

Another bonus of this activity is that you get to know people better and you help them to promote their business or cause. Your website and blog visitors will benefit from the depth of information, the B&B website will benefit from greater depth of content and the person being interviewed will benefit from more exposure. Everyone wins!

Generating Blogging Ideas - Places + Things +  Interviews = Infinity

Generating Blogging Ideas – Conclusions

If you put your mind to it then you may conclude that the amount of blogging ideas you can write about are actually infinite. This should be a comforting thought for you as you sit down to write your next blog post.

Indeed, if you spend your next writing session just thinking and organizing your topics and then mapping out a schedule for the next few months then you will soon have a very worthy number of valuable blog posts helping your search position and bring more traffic to your website.

If you have plenty of ideas but are a bit short of time then you could consider hiring a helping hand by using a professional copywriter. I recommend Heidi White who is a freelance copywriter with a keen passion for what she does. She will help you not only with the writing but with coming up with even more blogging ideas beyond the infinite number these concepts will generate.