July 27, 2024

Website Copy Writing – Define Your Ideal Prospect

Here are steps that you can take to help you to define your audience. Your website copy writing needs to take your ideal audience into consideration.

Website Copy WritingFirst, define the markets that you want to connect with. Sometimes there may be only one target market but you may have multiple markets. It is important for you to think about the markets in terms of profit margins. Some markets will be more profitable than others. Define them and then order them in terms of the most profitable to the least. There may be some markets that you decide not to market to once you complete this step.

Also, there may be other factors to consider, so do not limit yourself to making a decision based entirely on margin. It is always a good exercise to understand high-margin target markets and lower-margin target markets.

Second, once you have defined the target markets then define the “perfect prospect profile” for your markets. List all the attributes, characteristics and qualities of the perfect prospect within the target market(s). Also, think significantly beyond demographics. Get to really “know” your ideal prospect. For example, there may be a certain target market that has a potential for a much higher lifetime value than another target market. I want you to really think about your ideal prospect profile.

Another way to connect is to understand the ideal prospect’s problems. What do your ideal prospects struggle with? How do they talk about their problems? What stories do they tell? What language do they use? How would they like to receive information from you? Who might they confide in?

Once you have a good handle on this then have your website copy writing focus on your target audience using their own language. Tell a success story that relates to their problems in a way that connects with them. Talk to them about the benefits of your solution to their specific problem(s).

Website Copy Writing Summary

Know your target audience well and work hard to connect with them. Your website copy writing needs to connect with your target audience. This is the single biggest error that we see and to get this right helps everyone.