September 19, 2024

Content Marketing - An Ideal Audience PersonaContent Marketing – An Ideal Persona Example

Persona Details

Company: Software Firm
Position: Marketing Manager
Need: Copywriting Expertise
Desire: To subcontract part of the content creation of her content marketing plan 


The Marketing Manager is the decision maker. She is female and a sharp businesswoman. She has a great deal of experience in writing and marketing and has come up from the marketing trenches. She has very high expectations for her content marketing plan and wants the copywriting to match these high expectations.

She wants to wants hire a freelance copywriter with a working knowledge of the software industry who will be able to rapidly turn out a lot of relevant, engaging content. Also, she expects publications in different genres (blogs, white papers, case studies, etc.) that will appeal to a wide, varied audience and, most importantly, set her company apart from other software service competitors.

Where she feels pain:

She is very picky and firmly believes that “If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.” However, she is overworked and needs to increase the productivity associated with the creation of the content for the content marketing plan. She needs to delegate and knows this. Her staff is also under pressure as there are multiple marketing objectives beyond the content marketing plan. She will hire a freelance copywriter to ensure that the copywriting is done properly as she doesn’t have the time to do it herself.

The marketing content needs to meet her standards of quality and mesh with the content marketing plan schedule. She is taking a personal risk in hiring an “outsider” to produce marketing content for her company. She will be the one to blame if the copywriter is ineffective or in any way detrimental to the company.

She has never hired a freelance copywriter before so she is in unfamiliar territory.

Possible Objections/Questions/Doubts/Fears:

  • How will the writer make her company stand out as an exceptional service provider?
  • Will the copywriter be able to meet her schedule consistently?
  • Will the copywriter meet her quality standards?
  • Will the copywriter be able to handle a variety of projects?
  • Will the copywriter quickly learn the software industry, her company and the needs of her clients?
  • Will the copywriter be willing and able to collaborate efficiently and effectively with members of her marketing team?

If the copywriter has content designed and created for this persona then the copywriter will mesh nicely with the hiring manager and this will help the Copywriter to get the job. Here are some content ideas the the copywriter could have in place to mesh with this persona:

  • The copywriter needs to have a nice website, a high quality blog, and has published white papers and case studies to show how problems have been solved effectively and efficiently.
  • The blog needs to demonstrate consistent and frequent blog postings.
  • A set of examples of projects successfully completed is necessary for the copywriter’s website.
  • Testimonials that demonstrate satisfied clients for a variety of projects will be helpful.
  • A client worksheet that enables the copywriter to demonstrate a thoughtful process to learn about the client and the clients of the client will help the copywriter to be hired.
  • A process flow sheet that explains how the copywriter works with clients and that shows the ability and desire to collaborate will be useful.
  • Testimonials that reinforce the ability to collaborate will help.

Content Marketing – Persona Summary

This is an example of a persona that has been crated for the copywriter who wants to be hired to create content pieces related to marketing for a large organization with a marketing staff but with multiple marketing initiatives and in need of expert copywriting support.

If the copywriter has these content pieces in place then the hiring manager will be able to conduct research on the copywriter and see that the traits and characteristics of the copywriter are perfect for the job. If the copywriter has these content pieces in place and the copywriting competition does not then this is a clear and positive differentiator in the marketplace. The copywriter will be able to project expertise and experience which will be favorable to winning the job.