Twitter Effectiveness Evaluation Take a few minutes to complete this evaluation. It will provide you with some insights about your current practices related to Twitter and give you some thoughts on how to make positive adjustments. At the bottom is a chance for you to sign up for our Twitter Tips Newsletter.Have you established specific and measurable goals for Twitter? Yes No Kind of . . . Do you use Twitter to conduct niche-focused research on topics, concepts and to determine what is now being published on the niche topic? No Would like to but don't know how Yes and would like to get better Do you use tracking software to see the level of visitors from Twitter that visit your website or blog? No Yes I have tracking software installed on my website/blog but I am not certain how to use it or what it means. Have you set up a Twitter landing page on your website? No I don't have a website Yes A landing page for Twitter visitors is a way to niche-focus your content. Make the people who have come over from Twitter feel special with specific language and perhaps a special treat just for them!Roughly - What percentage of your Tweets have an image or graphic? 0% 1-20% 21-40% Greater than 40% Have you defined Twitter influencers for your niche? No Yes - 1-3 influencers have been defined Yes - more than 3 influencers have been defined To watch what the influencers in your niche do helps you to understand your niche-audience more. Also, if you can start to collaborate with influencers raises you up higher within the niche and you become more effective as you leverage the exposure power of these influencers.Have you defined a set of hashtags for your niche? No Yes, 1-3 hashtags have been defined Yes, 4-10 hashtags have been defined Hashtags enable your tweet to be broadcast to a niche-focused audience. People can follow a specific hashtag Tweeter series (Twitter conversation).Have you defined and do you use hashtags for your products or brand? No Yes Hashtags for your brand and products/services help build brand and product awareness.Do you have a plan to gain followers? No Yes Followers help you to gain new followers and can also help your tweets to gain exposure.Do you use @username to gain the attention of that person, gain followers and build your Twitter relationships? No Yes but infrequently Yes regularly To use the @TwitterUserName in your tweets is another way to gain followers, exposure and to help build relationships.Where do you have Twitter support accounts set up? Buffer Tweepi Tweet Caster Tweriod Klout Hoot Suite Tweet Deck Buzz Feed Buzz Sumo Sprout Social Sparkle Other Check all that apply.If you checked other then let us know what you use. In the question above related to Twitter support accounts how many did you tic off or add in the other field? None One Two to Four More than Four Do your tweets gain mentions, like and retweets? (your general sense of this) Very rarely Sometimes quite a few likes, mentions or retweets but only for some tweets Yes, regularly How often do you conduct Twitter experiments? Never 1-2 per month 3 or more per month Experiments are a way to learn and grow. We learn by doing and to conduct experiments to see what work better and what does not work so well provides us with unique and special insights into our audience.Does your boss or do your colleagues ever express amazement at your Twitter prowess and results? No Sometimes Often How has your follower count changed in the past 3 months? My follower count has decreased It is holding steady It is up by more than 5% It is up by more than 25% With President Trump tweeting up a storm more attention has been put on Twitter to gain exposure and to communicate ideas and solutions.Do you want to sign up for our Twitter Tips Newsletter? Yes No We will provide a Twitter Tip about once per week. If yes then please provide your name and e-mail address below.Name* First Last Email* EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. To view our Privacy Policy click on the link.