July 27, 2024

How to Write a Review

Base Level Guidelines

Writing reviews helps people learn more about what they may be interested in.


Here are a few tips:


Be informative and insightful: Be specific and relevant to the place, product or service you’re reviewing, and describe what other people are likely to experience. Highlight what makes the place, product or service special. Share your special insights.


Keep it real: Be authentic. Review your own experience, and explain why you liked or disliked the product or service. Be as accurate as possible.


Be respectful: Not every experience is going to be perfect. Sometimes you’ll want to share negative feedback. Even if you’re frustrated, make sure your criticism is constructive. Business owners often use feedback to improve what and how they offer products and services.


Write a review and do not write general commentary. There are times when a business, a place or a product or service becomes the subject of larger public debate or conversation due to recent news coverage or current events. While your opinion is valuable reviews are not meant for social or political commentary. There are other online location such as forums, blogs and social networks that are more suited to those kinds of conversations.


Please write about your firsthand experience.


Write with style: People will pay attention when you write thoughtful reviews. Keep them readable and avoid excessive capitalization or punctuation. Use proper grammar, check your spelling, and avoid profanity. Choose the right length – a paragraph is great. Be creative and have fun!